potty mouth

I have a bad potty mouth. I do try and stay cleaner around the kids but fail frequently.
They hear it from the TV, films, their friends ... why in hell should I give my self a stroke trying to protect them from what pretty much amounts to punctuation these days. I'd rather my kids knew what the words meant and avoided using them inappropriately.
I learned to control my swearing decades ago. It's not businesslike and often frowned upon in polite conversation. People equate it with low intelligence because (like prof said) it's basically used like punctuation. It has less impact when you really mean it.

Most people know that if i do use a swear word..I REALLY mean it.

Around kids...I try to not even use euphemisms or switched words..it's the tone that they listen to anyway, and before I stopped doing that, I found my son using "Darn!" and "Frig!" the same way that he would've used "Damn" and F@ck!"
I'm intelligent enough to edit myself while I'm speaking. Note that I don't believe that this makes me more intelligent than anyone else. It's really not that hard, you just have to do it. I can sling the lingo with the best of them when I'm among a group where it's acceptable but it's easy enough to not do it and as Bish points out, it makes you appear more intelligent.
I can edit myself in public - and do. I am just comfortable at home. I was a sailor, for Pete's sake!
When I'm with friends I normally swear, when I'm at home I swear a lot less and you'll never see me swearing in front of children.

While I agree that children will hear the words anyway or the other, that doesn't make swearing a proper and educated way of expressing yourself.
I think the people around me swear so much, that I've become immune to it. Things that used to shock me I just don't hear anymore. As for me, I probably swear a lot in front of the kids, but I do try to edit my language when they are around. I could try harder, it's something I'm trying to be conscious about.