Oops, we released the Bubonic Plague


Well-Known Member
I don't quite understand how these companies are getting away with creating, mixing, rebreeding, repopulating or otherwise playing with deadly viruses.

I could've sworn that this was considered illegal throughout the world. Pure evil, but not if it's in the name of 'defence, it seems.

The US GVT is plopping down $10billion towards a new Biodefence...with aims like: Create Anthrax in sufficient numbers to be used as a weapon.
The Pentagon's budget for chemical and biological defense has doubled; high-security nuclear-weapons labs have begun conducting genetic research on dangerous pathogens; universities are receiving government funding to build high-tech labs equipped to handle deadly infectious organisms; and Fort Detrick, Maryland, once the home of America's secret bioweapons program, is about to break ground on two new high-tech biodefense centers.

Frankly...if it was just amounts to be used as tests for anti-bioattacks...that'd be one thing, but the amounts created are huge in comparison to need.

If they were more careful with their virii, I wouldn't be so damn scared, but...

3 lab mice purported to have the Bubonic Plague escaped from a lab in Jersey - they aren't looking for them.

Several lab animals got 'lost' because of Hurrican Katrina

A lab in Altlanta just revived a virus 50,000 times more powerful than the flu (one that killed over 50Million people just 90 years ago) - the Spanish Flu

I mean...c'mon. Can't they be a wee bit more careful.

Hell....they shipped some virii via FedEX - oops...the plane crashed. "We are pretty sure that all the virii were burned up in the fire"


The oops is all mine for a dupe'd thread... mind you, I searched for it and it didn't come up so... :D