Once again, it´s all about money...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Once again, it's all about money...

No trial has taken place, and no jury has been selected. No judges, lawyers, or ANY justice has been meted out, and they've already started to gather...

LOS ANGELES, April 29 — The heirs of Bonny Lee Bakley filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Robert Blake on Monday, saying the actor personally shot his wife to death after conspiring with his bodyguard.

This is from the same people that said Bonny told them things on the phone, and they never called the police to corroborate her stories...

Source... :mad: :mad: :mad:
I knew a guy who knew a woman whose housekeeper was the best friend of Blakes housekeeper's cousins best friend. Can I have $40,000.?
its a bungled suicide attempt all over again

like oj's wife

if only she had left a note
Please, ihcra, you CAN'T be serious. Robert Blake hasn't even been to trial yet, and his greedy, self-serving wifes family is after money. I could see if he went to trial, and was found anything BUT innocent, but this whole charade they're putting up is farcical, at best.
well when a daddy and a mommy love each other very muc....

oh wait

when a nicely dressed girl hooks up with a drunken stranger - babies get made

these babies sometimes grow up to be daughters - but sometimes the daddies dont know about this til they get a big bill which necessitates they kill their son in law to pay it off - and thus you are all evens

its like it never happened

apart from the dead guy
Originally posted by ihcra
well when a daddy and a mommy love each other very muc....

oh wait

when a nicely dressed girl hooks up with a drunken stranger - babies get made

these babies sometimes grow up to be daughters - but sometimes the daddies dont know about this til they get a big bill which necessitates they kill their son in law to pay it off - and thus you are all evens

its like it never happened

apart from the dead guy

Originally posted by ihcra
well when a daddy and a mommy love each other very muc....

oh wait

when a nicely dressed girl hooks up with a drunken stranger - babies get made

don't even get me started:gun3: