Oil Prices


molṑn labé
Staff member
No Squiggy, I'll not admit your phantasy & call it an oil war.

Here's the headline in the Financial Times
Oil hits 13-year high amid low US inventories
Using a little deductive reasoning, shouldn't gasoline have averaged almost $2.00 a gallon in 1991? Did it & I didn't notice (I was in California after all)? Can somebody say more refineries?
Squiggy said:
If its not oil, what the fuck are we gonna do with all that sand? :retard:

Refine it maybe? :D
I could use some fine sand right now for my sandblaster machine. :swing:
I think the playsand is like 2 bucks a bag now. :eek:


maybe refill the kids sand box.... :glasses:
catocom said:
Refine it maybe? :D
I could use some fine sand right now for my sandblaster machine. :swing:
I think the playsand is like 2 bucks a bag now. :eek:


maybe refill the kids sand box.... :swing:

are you saying that troops invaded iraq cause they artifically inflated the price of sand?

Seriously OPEC controls the price fixing in oil, so unless the US wants to invade ALL those countries......(Oh god, I hope they don't take that as a suggestion)
Its not like this is the first Spring that they announced depleted oil supplies. They do it every year just in time for the summer rush...:rolleyes:
Anyone have those production by nation figures handy? Consumption/production ratios would be cool too.
Frankly...I'm surprised that ANYONE here is at all amazed that oil prices are well controlled and well fought for.

As if people didn't notice that gas prices jump on Payday and just before long weekends :p
MrBishop said:
Frankly...I'm surprised that ANYONE here is at all amazed that oil prices are well controlled and well fought for.

As if people didn't notice that gas prices jump on Payday and just before long weekends :p

yep, they caught on now, this time the gas prices went up on Wednesday instead of thursday
Only very specific sand, Inkster. Regular beach sand will make glass that has a close resemblance to a brick.
I think that you'll find that the price per barrel had SFA to do with the price of gasoline at the tanks.

Oil prices vary over very long cycles in comparison to the weekly or sometimes daily price cycles that we see at the pump.

Hey Cyd :finger:
3.78 liters/gallon
3.23/gallon up here!
Inkara1 said:
In US or Canadian dollars?

Canadian $...but that post is now irrelevant.

OK...two weeks ago, the price was $.759/liter..it jumped up to $.877/liter and slowly trickled down to $.844/liter by Monday.

On Tuesday...it jumped up 10 cents/liter to $.959/liter.
That's a .20c jump in prices in two weeks. Per gallon...that'd be about a .67c jump up!!!

So...here's the question.

What the fuck happened in the world in the past two weeks to warrant a .20/liter jump??!?