Oh lord!! Clinton Discussing Own TV Talk Show!?

Former President Bill Clinton has met with NBC executives in Los Angeles to discuss hosting his own talk show, according to several television sources, The Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.

Although the talks are only preliminary, one source said Clinton's interest was serious and said he was demanding a fee of $50 million a year and had aspirations "of becoming the next Oprah Winfrey," the paper said.

NBC officials would not comment on Wednesday, and Clinton's office in New York did not respond to an inquiry about the prospective talk show.

Television industry sources say chances are slim that Clinton would commit to such a plan once he understands the demands of the job, the Times said. The 55-year-old former president has told some Hollywood executives who have asked about a potential TV career that the rumors are untrue.

Television executives doubted that Clinton would sign up for a demanding regimen of daily tapings for 39 weeks that such a show would require.

"...and now, back by popular demand, in his very own talk show, SLICK WILLY"...(screams of delight & thunderous applause)..."fresh from his engagement at San Quentin & his starring role in Liars Club...please, give it up for Bill 'I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' Clinton and his aptly titled show 'No Spot Will Get Me Down"
"you gave him two terms, but we give him an hour....give it up - lewinsky style - for your host big bill clinton!!!!"

this week - when cigars attack!