No quotes for me? :'(


<b>mod cow</b>
Why is it that everytime I want to quote, the quote doesn't work?
Is it something wrong with the boards, or is it only me? I see other people quote which works fine :confuse3:
Shadowfax said:
Why is it that everytime I want to quote, the quote doesn't work?
Is it something wrong with the boards, or is it only me? I see other people quote which works fine :confuse3:

It's not only the quotes now...but also all kind of PHP errors :(

Have no idea what's wrong around here...
Shadowfax said:
It's not only the quotes now...but also all kind of PHP errors :(

Have no idea what's wrong around here...

the board is being fixed. ;)
I FIX0RED QUOTES! :headbang:

Unfortunately, those quotes that have already been attempted and failed will continue to not work, but future quotes will (should?) work.
fury said:
I FIX0RED QUOTES! :headbang:

Unfortunately, those quotes that have already been attempted and failed will continue to not work, but future quotes will (should?) work.

Just a little test....

BTW ~ what was the problem anyway?
Missed an s after the second # in the preg_replace. Yep. That was it. After that was fixed, all that had to be done was click edit and resubmit all the posts with broken quotes. You can thank Luis G for having performed that tedious task! :headbang:
Actually i just saw the code, and explained fury a bit about regular expressions. He found the mistake in the code.

And yes, i did edit all the erroneous posts in order to be displayed properly.