New question....


New Member
I was asked to go in for a student government position at our community college. Nothing executive, just a council position... Do y'all think it's worth the time put into it? Does it really help out on resumes/university applications?
Not actually looking to help out the school at all (as bad as that sounds...) all they're looking at right now is upping the parking lot size and I bike in so who cares... Basically it'd help me by making it look like I gave the effort to be involved and shitaki like that....
Liliandra said:
I was asked to go in for a student government position at our community college. Nothing executive, just a council position... Do y'all think it's worth the time put into it? Does it really help out on resumes/university applications?

Depends on your field of study. I don't think it's a bad thing regardless though. You'll learn more about networking than any class will teach you. If you're afraid it will detract from your studies though, don't do it. it will mean extra work.
chcr said:
Depends on your field of study. I don't think it's a bad thing regardless though. You'll learn more about networking than any class will teach you. If you're afraid it will detract from your studies though, don't do it. it will mean extra work.

I'm going into dietetics (I say as I munch away on my m&m's drinking a pepsi) which may or may not include some management positions in the end... They seem to have a very loose schedule with only a meeting a week and a couple dinner things... Only thing it may get in the way with is work but they're usually willing to work around stuff fairly well.
It will actually help with university, and with job applications, shows that you know how to handle meetings, teamwork. And if for Uni it comes down to you and one other, and you have student council, you are in.

For some ivy league schools it is almost mandatory to have something like that on your application.
chcr said:
Depends on your field of study. I don't think it's a bad thing regardless though. You'll learn more about networking than any class will teach you. If you're afraid it will detract from your studies though, don't do it. it will mean extra work.

Excellent advice.
Sounds great, actually met with the President and a Council member today, both really nice guys, though I have a hair of a though that they're very very short on people (both of these guys are leaving end of spring sem and they're willing to take me though I'm saying that I'm leaving beginning of spring sem) Might be interesting. They also had a treasury position open, but with 14 credits of school and 30+ hours of work a week that would start taking chunks out somewhere and I have to do well in the math this time or no CSU :crying4:
It can look good when you go to transfer or graduate. But really it is upto you. I am sure you would do well. I do suggest to think as to whether it will pertain to your major or if you would want to or enjoy it in any way
Ok, so I have to submit 30 sigs.. shouldn't be a problem... Then I have to make a statement stating my qualifications and intents as a Rep.... All by tomorrow 3pm... no problem... Any suggestions? (on the statement part.)
Yeah I'd say doing it is a good idea, networking in FABULOUS. I only started getting involved last year (3rd year of a 4 year program...) I met SO many people though and now this year I'm on two councils, one of them I am co-organizing an entire day for highschool girls to come and learn about engineering...also involved in various other groups for design competitions and conferences :)
Nixy said:
Yeah I'd say doing it is a good idea, networking in FABULOUS. I only started getting involved last year (3rd year of a 4 year program...) I met SO many people though and now this year I'm on two councils, one of them I am co-organizing an entire day for highschool girls to come and learn about engineering...also involved in various other groups for design competitions and conferences :)

Nice, very nice! Right now I'm not involved in much of anything, go to class, go to work, go home and sit until sleep... kinda sad.... I used to be in several different things like music and sports in highschool, but until I get to a university that isn't going to happen too much other than I'm thinking on going over to archery, could be interesting, so I thought on trying something new :)
ok, it says to keep it under 500 words... so far I have this, let me know whatcha think cuz I haven't done one like this before.

I, ___________, submit this statement outlining my qualifications and intent as a Representative on the Front Range Community College's Student Government. My intention is to assist in making sure this remains as a welcoming learning environment for students as well as helping the college as a part of the overall community. In the past I have always taken a great interest in the activities of my past schools and am now looking to take a more direct role and hope to use this to assist my fellow students to have their voices heard. I believe with my years of experience in the customer service field, along with my excellent communication skills, I will be able to assist in this goal.
I'd maybe get rid of the first line. It would appear to me as filler. But the rest of it is great as is.
Unfortunately that's the one line they require, this is to be sent in e-mail so I guess they feel they need it... Otherwise I'd be more than happy to ditch it.