New Orleans Mayor Orders Mandatory Evacuation


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NOLA Mayor Calls For Evacuations

Gustav Menaces Cuba; U.S. Braces

POSTED: 7:45 am EDT August 27, 2008
UPDATED: 9:26 pm EDT August 30, 2008

Residents who try to ride out Hurricane Gustav will be making the biggest mistake of their lives, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin warned on Saturday.
Nagin ordered a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, directing residents of a city still recovering from Hurricane Katrina to flee the approaching Hurricane Gustav. Developing.

“You need to be scared. You need to be concerned. You need to get your butts out of New Orleans. This is the storm of the century,” Nagin said.

Mandatory evacuations have been ordered for Westbank starting at 8 a.m. Sunday, and mandatory evacuations of the Eastbank will begin at noon.

“Riding it out would be the biggest mistake you could make in your life,” Nagin said.

Nagin warned that no emergency services will be available to residents who choose not to leave.

Nagin said 2005’s Hurricane Katrina came ashore as a Category 3 storm. Gustav is expected to hit as either a Category 4 or 5.

The footprint of Katrina was about 400 miles when it hit. Gustav currently has a footprint of 900 miles and continues to grow.

Hurricane Gustav was menacing Cuba Saturday night with winds of nearly 150 mph as it continues its threatening march toward the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Complete story:
There are some differences, though... Katrina hit east of the city, and with the way storms rotate, it pushed the water of Lake Pontchartrain against the city. Gustav will probably hit west of the city, so it'll push the ocean up against the land area that comes between the gulf and New Orleans. The real problem with Katrina was the flooding; the storm itself was small potatoes in comparison. You'll still see some hurricane damage, but it would most likely not be anywhere near as bad and long-lasting as Katrina was.
“You need to be scared. You need to be concerned. You need to get your butts out of New Orleans. This is the storm of the century,” Nagin said.

Does he know that a hurricane wasn't the problem last time/ It was a leaky berm.
I wonder why Nagin just doesn't watch the water rise and blame Boooosh! like he did 3 years ago?
Maybe he learned his lesson. It does happen...even to Liberals from time-to-time...;)
“You need to be scared. You need to be concerned. You need to get your butts out of New Orleans. This is the storm of the century,” Nagin said.

Storm of the Century? I thought the last one was the Storm of the Century. Did one hundred years zip past without my noticing again?
Storm of the Century? I thought the last one was the Storm of the Century. Did one hundred years zip past without my noticing again?

NO, each one is the "Storm of the Century" until the next one. Don't you speak hyperbole?