naturally messy?


New Member
are you a natural slob? i've been working on some furniture today and what i wanna know is, how come i can't open a can of paint without getting it all over? i try to be neat, i swear.
I am a walking natural disaster, my desk looks like a bombing range

but I can find any peice of paper, It is secretly an advanced filing system
I just finished remodeling the inside of my house two months ago. Recessed nails, spackled, sanded and painted two coats (walls and trim). Put down all new carpet and flooring. Took me damn near a year and a half just working on it on weekends.
I bought a PDA and my wallet is about 1/3 the thickness it used to be, all my little post it notes and torn sheets of paper are in the trash, and my desk looks alot better.

The best part is I can make plans on the fly and get into contact with people without stressing over their numbers etc.

Plus I keep all my emergency info, insurance info, allergies, medical history, buisness contacts, job references, emplyee phone numbers, to do lists, etc etc all in one small device that I can also take pictures of bad cops beating people on the side of the road with while listening to my Mp3s and play video games.

tonks said:
i'd love to be able to be that creative with my house, but i am a renter...

come on over, you can be creative on my house, I lost my entire summer last year renovating, i never want to paint again
paul_valaru said:
i never want to paint again

I am soooo dreading doin the outside. I do have a good start though. Already done the window and door frames. Gonna have to wait till it cools off to do the rest.
alex said:
Rental houses are good to practice on :D
well, i've done some, painted a couple walls and a door, oh outside, i did decorative fencing, a tire planter that i painted turquoise, my house is a piece of crap but its cute.
I'm not a slob in my girlfriend and mother both think I am. I like to think of my room, house and office as "organized chaos".

i leave things lying around all over the place, but i know where everything is. until Diana cleans the place. then i have to spend the next week or so putting everything back where it belongs as i use it...
im naturally untidy and very disorganised - or so it looks to the untrained eye.

really the place looks terrible but i can find anythingn and everything really easy like.
I'm weird when it comes to cleanliness/messiness.....My CDs, DVDs, books, magazines and such are in a certain order and if they are out of place, I go nuts. While on the other hand, my clothes, shoes, recently taken photographs, and such are all over the floor of my bedroom...