name this song

Yeah, turns out I did see the second one already... the backsplash is new though. I like it, and it probably goes well with the olympic-size pool... er, I mean, kitchen sink.
Vey nice backsplash Tonks! (The hutch is nice too but like Inky I have seen it before). A dog eh? WOWZA! Very cool!!

I spoke with Prof a while back, gave him a call one morning, all was well...he is just taking a bit of a break, spending time with the fam and all.
Hey Nix! It's funny, I talk to Mrs. Prof more than I talk to Prof now. Not that I mind, it's just a switch.

Thanks about the backsplash. It was really rough to actually get our hands on it. I have this marvellous ability to select items that instantly become backordered or jacked up in price. This stuff came as part of a large shipment from Turkey and sat in customs in Miami for ages. I was beginning to get worried. Most people have been using it for pool areas and ordering it in staggering quantities so my meager 2 boxes were not a priority, I guess.