Moderation Guidelines for Mods


New Member
Here is something I came up with. Feel free to make suggestions for modifications. :)


1. Threads should be closed when they contain conversation that is against the rules. Such as excess swearing, warez and other illegal activity. Excess swearing: when the thread is nothing but cursing with no actual conversation.

2. Threads should be deleted when they contain sensitive material that is against the rules and should not be viewed, like porn.

3. The Moderators should provide a reason for the closure of a topic. That way we will not get members starting threads saying "why was x thread closed??" It would also serve as a reminder what we do not allow on this board. If the topic is in need of deletion, then no explanation is necessary. An explanation should state how the thread has abused the rules, and that the topic is now closed.
I am not a mod, but my suggestion is this. If someone links to a website that contains any genitals showing whether it be male or female, then the link should be removed with a warning from the mod.
Me like. Hopefully not that many occurrances of having to look to this post will happen, but who knows, with the big crowd we could attract
It's simple because we don't have a lot of rules. ;)

If we attact a lot of people, I have a feeling it will get pretty messy at times. :)

But not to worry, me and my Gavel are here for you! :D