Michael Vick press conference

I would post a comment but since this lame forum does wont allow me to post a link to a simple news article (I must say,this is a first for asnine) I can't.
I would post a comment but since this lame forum does wont allow me to post a link to a simple news article (I must say,this is a first for asnine) I can't.

Great way to start, call our forum lame? I can post a link and don't think there is a restriction that says a noob can't, but I don't know that for sure. Anyone?
I would post a comment but since this lame forum does wont allow me to post a link to a simple news article (I must say,this is a first for asnine) I can't.

With very little effort, I could make your name a reality.

The rules were set before you set forth your astonishing wit & personality upon we poor mere mortals, so, in the interest of friendship...be nice or be gone.
gonz, get real. The simple ability to post a link to a news article...

I find the ability to post a link after 15 posts quite, well, stupid.

This serves what?
No explanation is necessary. You came to us, with our rules already set. Perhaps you may have gotten a better answer had you asked nicely but since you immediately went on the attack, you have an answer. Once that suffices.
Before you go banning people, maybe, just perhaps, you might try finding out if someone is simply screwing around Gonz...

Someone you've known for quite sometime.

Get off your power trip dude.
So, like how long does it take you to reply to a PM Gonz? It took you a whole minute to ban me but to reply is taking forever....