Memorable Christmas

Stop Laughing

New Member
My 83 year old grandmother had a blast last night as we celebrate every year on Christmas Eve. She always gets 4 times as many presents as anyone else there, but we all love it. Her top present was a dinner and a show with her 3 daughters in a couple of weeks, but now that's an impossibilty.

She spent the night with my aunt and went to spend today with her great nephew's new house. As she entered their living room, there was a step down and she missed it, fell down and in turn broke her hip. She was taken to the ER by ambulance, and was helped out by her great niece who's a paramedic. The X rays confirmed a fracture on her left femur near the hip. Fortunately the orthopedic surgeon was available even on Christmas so she underwent surgery (she just got out of surgert about 2 hours ago and is so doped up she likely won't recognize anyone) to put rods and screws in place to ensure it will heal properly, but the rehab ahead will likely be very difficult. He said before she even went into surgery that she'll have to be off of her feet for at least 12 weeks, and given her age and condition (typical arthritis) she will likely never be the same again. This is her 3rd ER visit in the last 2 months, once for vomiting (likely food poisoning) and just last weekend for fainting and dehydration. We had just moved her into the assisted living facility last Monday, but for her rehab she'll probably have to move into the nursing home wing. Not the way we wanted the family to get together on Christmas. :(
So sorry to hear of your grandmother's spill. Maybe they can still make the dinner and show, if your grandmother can sit in a wheelchair. Anyways, sending wishes to her for a speedy recovery.
Perhaps is not the best way to spend christmas, but being together in every circumstance is what really matters.
Stop Laughing said:
Not the way we wanted the family to get together on Christmas. :(

Change your line of sight. Its exactly how Christmas should be.
My 83 year old grandmother had a blast last night as we celebrate every year on Christmas Eve. She always gets 4 times as many presents as anyone else there, but we all love it. Her top present was a dinner and a show with her 3 daughters in a couple of weeks.
Memories to take to your grave. Accidents always happen, good times don't.
we have a saying in out family, it is not a party unless grandma falls at least once, and it is a truly great party if she breaks something.

sad but true, every wedding bar mitzvah etc, she starts dancing, and trips at least once, 3 weddings she has broken something.
Awwww, poor granny! My MIL just spent her first Xmas in assisted living and she's the same age.
Wishing your grandmother a speedy recovery and a better New Year!
Sorry 'bout your Gran, SL! There always seem to be more accidents for the seniors this time of year...the weather doesn't help.
Best hopes for a quick recovery for her, SL. As Gonz said, though, it could've been worse. I'd kill to spend the day with my Dad, nursing home or no.