Medicinal marijuana

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Final point on this:

I don't care what a terminally ill person takes. That's one thing.

Giving some dopehead prescribed marijuana for sore feet is quite another.

With medicinal pot now legal, all manner of stoner is concocting reasons to get it. Just as others concoct reasons to get other things. Both are wrong.

Legit pain issues are not the same as sore feet. If two or three people on here are too motherfucking stupid to know the difference, then that ain't my problem. When one of them shoots off his smartass mouth about something he has A) no idea about and B) no business poking his nose into, that is making it personal. When nothing is done to stop it, I'll handle it as I see fit. Come what may. A nose poked my way uninvited will get slapped. Every time. It's how I operate. If that's a problem then get busy banning me. But I'm done listening to it, and done being slandered. Come. What. May.

If any person on here wishes to discuss it further, PM me and I'll gladly give you turn by turn directions to the front yard from any point on the globe. Otherwise, I'm done.
Final point on this:

I don't care what a terminally ill person takes. That's one thing.

Giving some dopehead prescribed marijuana for sore feet is quite another.

Giving a dopehead a prescription for marijuana or pain pills for their sore feet doesn't matter. All sorts of prescriptions are obtained under questionable needs. There's really no point to your sore feet example at all.

With medicinal pot now legal, all manner of stoner is concocting reasons to get it. Just as others concoct reasons to get other things. Both are wrong.

Exactly, so there's no reason to treat marijuana any different than pain pills.

Legit pain issues are not the same as sore feet. If two or three people on here are too motherfucking stupid to know the difference, then that ain't my problem.

Go ahead and point out somebody arguing that sore feet is the same as legit pain. Funny that your trying to insult something that never happened. :laugh:

Now I wonder if you could make some sensible argument for prescription marijuana being treated any differently than prescription pain pills.

Something more concrete than the "I like one and don't like the other" and the "I will call people names and threaten them" line of reasoning you've tried so far perhaps?
When one of them shoots off his smartass mouth about something he has A) no idea about and B) no business poking his nose into....

And exactly what makes you the arbiter of what others you don't know, know? And exactly what makes you the arbiter of who has the right to have an opinion on some specific issue?

Nobody even came close to arguing that sore feet and chronic pain are the same.

On the other hand, anyone who's never suffered plantar fasciitis, doesn't know the meaning of foot pain. I myself wouldn't even consider marijuana, for treatment, but I can personally attest that it hurts like fucking hell when it gets bad. Starya would likely agree....

....I have troublesome joints and plantar fasciitis. Footwear has to be stable and shock absorbant. And, I can never walk around in bare feet. My heals hurt after five minutes of that.
markjs said:
And exactly what makes you the arbiter of what others you don't know, know?

You're still not even sure what you're arguing, mark. And you're not letting that fact slow you down one iota. So stop, just stop, for one minute. Read.

What he, nor you, know is the pain I endure from the damage done by the chemo I had to take. Yes, mark...cancer. Ring a bell? The surgery (one of over a dozen now) that resulted in me dying three times on the table just three months ago. ICU at Vanderbilt. Abdominal pain so severe that I went ten-day stretches several times without solid food. Simply swallowing enough water to take my meds caused trips to the ER, mark. Trips...plural. My arms and hands were so chewed up from IVs that they couldn't start any more and had to inject morphine directly into a muscle. And during all but the final weeks of this (it lasted almost 4 years) I worked because I couldn't afford to take disablility.

Is that sufficient for your approval? Tell me, there any possible way you, or him, or anyone else on this planet, COULD know that?

Feel better now that you're in the loop?

And yet, one troll chooses to belittle all that just to make a petty point and stir some shit and see what he can get away with. Push a few buttons. Feel self-important. Whatever drives a person like him to say the things he says. I certainly don't understand it. And you jump on his bandwagon. He seems to think all that is funny for some reason. He seems to relish in it in fact.

You should be proud.

Still wanna argue sore feet? (NOT the same as plantar fasciitis, btw. Calling that sore feet is like calling emphysema a respiratory infection.)

What a small, sad little man you have become, particularly in light of what you yourself went through just days and weeks ago.

So in the name of decency, kindly gather your facts before you set out to crucify me. If you would like to take the time, there are numerous threads on this board chronicalling my ordeal. Since you seem so interested in it, please take the time. Or shut up. Either way.
Look I have been out of the loop a while. I have only recently come back here anyway, and I didn't search through past threads, so I had no idea. All the same I am not on some crusade against you, not out to crucify you, not out to do anything at all to you. Certainly we disagree about a lot of things, but this idea that I have some sort of vendetta aginst you personally (if indeed you believe that) is sheer paranoia.

Now that I am "in the know", I certainly empathize, and I wish you nothing but good health, and long life, if that is even possible. I bear NO ill will to you personally, never have, likely never will. I have had my share of health problems, and those around me have had far more than their share, so it's not like I know nothing of the kind of suffering that can, and does happen. I've seen quite a bit of it in my life and the lives of those I love.

As for "jumping on someone's bandwagon", I don't just concur with spike out of some kind of "liberal loyalty", if I share his opinion, it's because I have the same opinion, not because he does, and If I agree with someone it's not like I am "jumping on a bandwagon". In the "stress" thread in the L&L forum, I ended up agreeing with Gonz about the way people ought to raise their children. I didn't "jump on his bandwagon", I just happen to believe the same way he does on that subject.

So anyway, I am truly sorry to hear about your ordeal and your suffering, and I sincerely hope you don't have to go through any more of it. Still you have to realize I don't run around with this fire under my ass to attack you, it simply isn't so. I was a little torqued about the thing about linkage, but we've had it out about that, even so it was never "personal".
And yet, one troll chooses to belittle all that

Where was this belittling you speak of?

The only belittling of someone's illness was when you referred to people choosing medical marijuana treatment as "dopeheads".
markjs said:
Look I have been out of the loop a while. I have only recently come back here anyway, and I didn't search through past threads, so I had no idea. All the same I am not on some crusade against you, not out to crucify you, not out to do anything at all to you. Certainly we disagree about a lot of things, but this idea that I have some sort of vendetta aginst you personally (if indeed you believe that) is sheer paranoia.

Your words betray you...

markjs said:
Any respect I ever might have had for you, has vanished entirely.

markjs said:
Oh SnP is 100% infallible and always right. By gawd mari-ju-wanna is EVIL, and only HEATHENS would smoke it for any reason! Cancer patients, who'd prefer not to suffer ought to be JAILED, and then MADE to SUFFER like "GAWD" wanted them to in the first place!

And then there's the part about not knowing...

markjs said:
Actually the one group of people I know of that really "need" medical marijuana are chemo patients. I have heard of a lot of folks who have cancer who are on chemo, that simply cannot eat or hold down food while on chemo without it.

earlier in this very thread, to which and for the benefit of I replied

me said:
Say hello to a chemo patient who could not eat or hold down food while on chemo, as witnessed by a 106 pound weight loss, had their pancreas destroyed by the chemo, still refused marijuana when offered by a doctor

and you have replied numerous times since then.

So I remain a bit skeptical. But will bury the proverbial hatchet for reasons of my own. Chiefly, it ain't worth the bother. Olive branch accepted.
I did have no idea, up to the point that you said the thing about the chemo, and even after that I had only a vague notion.

As for the respect thing, well I have a hard time with people getting so wrapped up in a discussion on an internet bulletin board, that they start making threats with violent overtones. More still when the person doing it is an officer of a court, so that's where that came from. Still I don't think it's "worth the bother" either at this point.

But seriously I wouldn't wish this kind of crap on anyone, even a real life face to face enemy.
Where was this belittling you speak of?

The only belittling of someone's illness was when you referred to people choosing medical marijuana treatment as "dopeheads".

My final words to you. Ever.

Don't. Just don't. You know precisely what you have said, and so does anybody else capable of reading the English language. So just don't. Don't even TRY to play innocent, ignorant, or humorous. I could give a rat's fuzzy ass about your politics/religion/whatever. You have proven to be what you are, time and again. I will not even dignify this transparent ploy with examples, abundant as they are. We can all read. You ain't worth the time.

I will congratulate you on one thing, however. edited - Leslie And I know you will reply in kind. So be it...I don't care. You stay on your side of the Mississippi, I'll stay on mine. And it may get me banned, but I just want you, one time, to see it in print. One time to know deep inside whatever passes for your heart that there is at least one person alive who sees you for what you truly are.

This pissing contest means more to you than it ever will to me.

For the remainder of my days here, you cease to exist. I opened your last post purely to make 100% positive you would do what you did...deflect. And you did. I'll give you're predictable if nothing else.

So carry on your crusade. Deny and deflect and answer questions with questions and engage in all your signature tactics. By all means continue to slander me at every opportunity. You've gotten away with it for a long time now, so keep it up. Do one thing and do it well, right?

You are insignificant to me in every conceivable definition of that word.

No one need be concerned about any future conflict between myself and this...member. In fact, I hereby state that if I ever at any time so much as reply to one syllable from him, I demand to be immediately and irrevocably bannished from this site without even the courtesy of telling me it happened. Please copy/paste that into the admin forum for future reference.

Last word's all yours pal. Knock yourself out.
Can't you guys just put each other on ignore and be done with it?

It's can you 2 hate each other so much yet I manage to like you both? Very strange.
My final words to you. Ever.

Don't. Just don't. You know precisely what you have said, and so does anybody else capable of reading the English language. So just don't. Don't even TRY to play innocent, ignorant, or humorous.

I know exactly what I said. That's why I asked for to back up your claim with an example. There is none. So once again you fail and make excuses for not being able to back up your words.

I could give a rat's fuzzy ass about your politics/religion/whatever. You have proven to be what you are, time and again. I will not even dignify this transparent ploy with examples, abundant as they are. We can all read. You ain't worth the time.

It would take less time for you to provide one example than it did to type up your pathetic excuses. Your not fooling anyone. We can all see you for what you are.

edited - quote of edited stuff - Leslie

This is typical from you. Can't come up with a rational argument for treating medical marijuana differently than the meds you take? Made some claims you can't possibly back up? Make silly insults and excuses and get hell out! :laugh:

You stay on your side of the Mississippi, I'll stay on mine.

In reality I'll just go ahead and continue to cross the Mississippi whenever I feel like it.

One time to know deep inside whatever passes for your heart that there is at least one person alive who sees you for what you truly are.

Yep, someone who has trounced your argument and got you on the run.

This pissing contest means more to you than it ever will to me.

All it means to me is a good laugh at how reason trumps your knee-jerk beliefs everytime.

I opened your last post purely to make 100% positive you would do what you did...deflect. And you did. I'll give you're predictable if nothing else.

Deflect what? You made an accusation that you couldn't back up. Asking you to prove your words is not deflecting. Making excuses and insults instead of proving them IS deflecting though.

So carry on your crusade. Deny and deflect and answer questions with questions and engage in all your signature tactics. By all means continue to slander me at every opportunity.

Any examples? No, I didn't think so. Just more empty words and hot air.

No one need be concerned about any future conflict between myself and this...member. In fact, I hereby state that if I ever at any time so much as reply to one syllable from him, I demand to be immediately and irrevocably bannished from this site without even the courtesy of telling me it happened. Please copy/paste that into the admin forum for future reference.

Lose too many times and I guess you just have to give up I suppose. :crying5:
I don't suppose any mods/admins noticed his repeated infractions are quite more serious than error's were?

Spike, SnP did get very close to disciplinary action, but he has chosen to back off of the situation and has diffused the situation from his end.

You on the other hand are on the ragged edge of facing discipline yourself for repettitive violations of 5-7; namely shit stirring and use of the AUP as a defense tactic. I have told you several times that you are outside the loop with the entire Error thing and need to back off. You don't know what went on and it will never be your business to know what went on behind closed doors. You certainly don't have the leeway to continually complain in public about how we handled that situation. That is shit stirring. Your continual comparison of what you saw of the Error situation to the acts of other board members is also not appreciated. You are constantly waving your disagreement of board policy out in public... constantly. We admin and moderators are in charge here, not you. We collectively are the sole arbiter as to what constitutes acceptable and reasonable manner. If you don't like it, you can leave. If you continue, you will be asked to leave.
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