look! nekid people!

I thought I was named the pornmongerer on this site!!! *pimp*


I watched a documentary awhile ago about him, which followed him through several cities, showed the process of how he goes about this. Interesting. The man has a vision.
Why is it nudists are always old fat guys and their equally gross spouses?
This is art too:


yes, that is art, and well painted. who is it by, it kinda looks like a modigliani

colour me relieved :D
i hadn't looked before but the image link mentions the artist. it is modigliani [yessssssssss! i rule!] cool
i am pissed at the complete and utter lack of nekkid "people" in this thread, nekkid person perhaps but lets not bring plurals in where plurals do not belong :headbang: