Leslie checkin


New Member
has anyone heard from leslie in the last few days?
the area she lives in has got hit with alot of rain over the last little while and I am just wondering if she is ok...
nope, I'm ok, but I did have to go in a car right in the middle of it to go get the kids.

:eek13: the rain! and the hail! and the orange skies! and the cars buried in water! :eek13: That's the rainiest rain I've ever seen. I was freaking out waiting for tornados. The Kings Buffet you see on the news with the cars all buried is just a minute down the road.

how exciting! :D

We got 150mm of rain in an hour and a half according to Environment Canada, the average total for all of June is 86mm. :eek:
Leslie said:
nope, I'm ok, but I did have to go in a car right in the middle of it to go get the kids.

:eek13: the rain! and the hail! and the orange skies! and the cars buried in water! :eek13: That's the rainiest rain I've ever seen. I was freaking out waiting for tornados. The Kings Buffet you see on the news with the cars all buried is just a minute down the road.

how exciting! :D

We got 150mm of rain in an hour and a half according to Environment Canada, the average total for all of June is 86mm. :eek:

Wow! I'm glad to hear that you are ok mind you! Hope it doesn't get worse.
Leslie said:
We got 150mm of rain in an hour and a half according to Environment Canada, the average total for all of June is 86mm. :eek:

Day-um. That's a good clip. We had that kind of dump here earlier this week, but it quit after half an hour.
I just went for a walk, and there are HUGE deep puddles everywhere. Apparently we have potholes here. :lloyd:One of the used car lots down here must've got flooded, all of his cars are there now with doors and hoods and trunks wide open. That's gonna be some losses, or some people are gonna get some mouldy cars :eh:

I think it's over now, we're in a humid thing now, it's freaking hot out there already and it's only 10am. Looking at 40s (celcius) today :( but thunderstorms are forecast for the next 5 days so it could get interesting again.
It looks like the Kia Dealer around the corner here got pummeled. His entire lot is now devoid of any cars whatsoever, just one remains in the showroom. I kinda feel bad for him...I wonder if his insurance will cover that or what'll happen.

I should take him a doughnut.
Leslie said:
It looks like the Kia Dealer around the corner here got pummeled. His entire lot is now devoid of any cars whatsoever, just one remains in the showroom. I kinda feel bad for him...I wonder if his insurance will cover that or what'll happen.

I should take him a doughnut.

I'm sure he has insurance. I wouldn't worry about him too much.
chcr said:
But you can bring me the donut, I'm hungry. :lloyd:

Now, now. What would your cardiologist say? Not to mention the real authority - your wife, the medical professional.
HomeLAN said:
Now, now. What would your cardiologist say? Not to mention the real authority - your wife, the medical professional.

Nothing if I don't tell them about it. :p
Well, hell. In that case, get on down here. You can join Inky for a Luther burger. What's a BBQ without at least some angina?