Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please...


New Member
I'm back :D

So, how's it going? Well, I assume :)

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jon, one of the original band-wagon jumpers that was around when this site first started.

Since then, I've been wreaking havoc in my own life in a feeble attempt to get it back on track after the dire chapter in my life that shall be forever filed as "University". Needless to say, I'm partially there; am now hoping to "graduate" from the company's (Asda-Wal*Mart) management training programme, whereby I'll be thrown in at the deep end, managing a merry band of hopefuls through a night shift whilst simultaneously dodging bullets, body bopping away from the scum of the city and their lunging syringes, knifes, etc, and mopping up drunk peoples' vomit. Mmm.

Hence the lack of input from myself to this site. Until now.

Now, I've made it a priority to (at least try and) keep a check on things around here, just like old times (eh Dan? ;)), but unfortunately, as it's 0748 here, and my train to Peterborough is at 1154 (Yes, I'm STILL with Emma :D), I'll only be here for another 3 hours.

Ahh... better make that 1.5... just remembered I've got to pack as there's the small matter of flying out to Egypt on Friday :cool:

What's new people?! :D
Heyas Jon - long time no see!

Glad you seem to have survived University relativly unscathed :D

dodging bullets, body bopping away from the scum of the city and their lunging syringes, knifes, etc, and mopping up drunk peoples' vomit
Damn...Wal-Mart will hire just about anybody these days, eh? :rofl: