Keane on Leno tomorrow night...

Holy crap, I thought I was the only one who listened to them!

I bought the album for "Somewhere only we know" and really liked all of it except one song. But I haven't heard anything about them in a while, I thought the other releases might have tanked.

But they're going to be on Leno huh? They're being called the next Coldplay which I think is a little much (I'm a die-hard Coldplay fan) but they are definitely in the same genre, and very good.
I am the proud owner of 51 of their songs and I also went to one of their shows in Philly. They dimmed from the public eye a little but they're still very much around and very good.

I like Coldplay too, a whole whole bunch.

edited - Leslie
*disclaimer* But you actually wouldn't share, because that's illegal, right? *disclaimer* :D

Seriously though, when it comes to bands like that that have a good product, I buy, and I buy the whole album. I've bought everything from Coldplay, one album from Keane and one most recently from Michael Buble. I know I'm going to get a great product, so I want to reward the artists by doing the right (and legal) thing.

But thanks anyway! :)
Oh of course. Completely legal.

I too have bought all of my Coldplay CD's, and all of the Keane ones (except for one single I can't get my hands on).

Most of the songs I got from other people are recordings of live shows posted on their website, and many covers and special tracks released to fans on a message board I frequent. None of those are available on a CD as of yet, but rest assured if one ever is released, I'll buy it!
isn't Keane the guy who said "Bush hates (fill in racial epithet here)?
Flu what other bands you into? If you like Keane do you also like babyshambles and the libertines? If you want to see what influenced these bands check out. In no particular order.
shed seven
Stones roses, the
happy mondays
The farm.
The smiths
wonderstuff, the
plus other stuff I'm yet to think of. I'm off on attachment for the next 2 w

..... - Leslie
Lopan said:
Flu what other bands you into? If you like Keane do you also like babyshambles and the libertines? If you want to see what influenced these bands check out. In no particular order.
shed seven
Stones roses, the
happy mondays
The farm.
The smiths
wonderstuff, the
plus other stuff I'm yet to think of. I'm off on attachment for the next 2 w
I've heard OF The Smiths but I haven't heard them. There's another band too that I haven't had a chance to hear yet, Missing Numbers or Wrong Numbers or something like that.
Please stop attempting to exchange music through this site. Last time I checked, that could still get us into trouble.

Now if you want to discuss trading bomb parts .... that's the S&T forum. Next one down, on the left.
err sorry, this site has alot of rules.

"Your worst enemy, he reflected, was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some visible symptom."

soz flu. No points for guessing the book
That was great. Well worth sitting through Dennis Leary and Steve-O. The did Bend & Break.

Stuff I noticed:
Tom seems to be growing a bit of a beard and moustache, he wasn't wearing his brown shoes, new black ones I think, he's got different jeans on (poor guys are stuck wearing the same outfits over and over because they don't have much time for shopping), and he seemed to be channeling Elvis with his dancing this time around.

Tim got a haircut, and it looks like a new black shirt. He rocked the playing with one hand section of the song, as usual. Seemed to be pretty spunky with his headbanging.

Rich got him a sports jacket! Seems like since his birthday he's been dressing a little older. Still looked great though!

Yeah, I'm sick.
That was our Rock Report with Fashion expert Flu - VanderLoo...thanks Flu, next up, sports...sitting in tonight for our temporarily absent sports queen Nathan Lane is the ever popular sports fanatic Gloria Vanderbilt.

Now for someting completely different:
Lopan, if obeying the laws of where this site is hosted is too restrictive for you, don't let us stop you using the door.

And, get over yourself while you're at, M-kay?