It ain't Irish Spring

yeah winky this situation has no happy instant story book ending for you. sorry that bedtime isn't so fun anymore.

of course the hindenburg was obama's fault too.
Yes of course it is Osama's I mean Barry's fault

As you are well aware I foretold this months ago.
I will hazard a guess as to how all this will pan out,
history will repeat (and its getting quite boring)
and there will be a storybook ending like always.


Tell me how does that pic make you feel?
I know it speaks volumes to our enemies
you foretold WHAT, exactly?

you made yer typical bland doom prophecies at 8000RPM... yawn. you did not win a free plane ticket to delphi, to be installed as the new crystal ball lady.

wow yeah that picture's real meaningful given that there's no clue as to context. let me guess... they're not happy about the angry young men throwing shit at our embassies? is that it?
Forewarned the embassies, and its personel, about specific short term threats, to begin with.

Armed the Marines with real ammunition.

Warned the involved nations that if they can't protect our sovereignty, we will (or we'll simply close up shop)

There's a start
forewarned the embassies about WHAT? the secret plans of assholes? you're leveling shit criticisms. if anyone had known this was going to happen, OF COURSE THEY WOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING.

er, no wait, right... obama hates america and he let this happen intentionally. so say the local fascist proles.

but yeah yer right real ammo woulda been good. just ask reagan about beirut.
jesus would certainly approve of killing tens of millions that inconvenience us.

shit, sounds good to me hoss.

forewarned the embassies about WHAT? the secret plans of assholes? you're leveling shit criticisms. if anyone had known this was going to happen, OF COURSE THEY WOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING.

er, no wait, right... obama hates america and he let this happen intentionally. so say the local fascist proles.

but yeah yer right real ammo woulda been good. just ask reagan about beirut.

Strike four, or are we starting over?

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.
jesus would certainly approve of killing tens of millions that inconvenience us.

shit, sounds good to me hoss.

I didn't say anything about killing.
It's their choice if they want to leave.
Otherwise it's Sodom and Gomorrah for um.
yes, they just let them die. intentionally. to further the cause. whatever that is. "senior sources" say so. dimbulb.
you are particularly brilliant and shiny-happy today gonzolic. this is absolutely part of a wider plot that the kenyan planned with his muslim brothers. by this time next year sharia will be the law of the land, and people will be eating their pets in the face of starvation. but only halal pets of course.