Is weed an antidepressant?


New Member
I can't smoke even if I wanted too. I'm one of those paranoid smoker's - don't answer the door, don't answer the phones, draw the blinds! :lol2:


New Member
I don't know about depression but I can attest to being highly grouchy since I quit.....GRRRRRRR. I'm sure it'll pass...:devious:


Well-Known Member
Drugs are bad, M'Kay?

I believe what the article is say is that the
lab coated Krazies working for big Pharma
have come up with yet another designer drug
vaguely related to the THC molecule that they think?
will relieve one of the leading pseudo illnesses’
that Americans whine about.

Pot on the other causes a depressed state
it only seems to be an anti depressant because
in the euphoric state of being stoned
you simple don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
I think it's more of an anti-stimulant.
You smoke some potent sinsemilla, and it's like taking a sleeping pill.

My brother is bipolar, and he claimed it calmed him down in his manic phases.

As a painkiller, I'm not sure. Of coarse if you aren't conscious, ...Do you feel pain?
But if you are conscious, but don't remember, do you feel pain?
Alcohol seems the far more powerful pain killer. Pot is more like a mental vacation.


Well-Known Member
But it isn't a Paid vacation.

Killing time isn't murder it is suicide

then what does that make OTC?


Well-Known Member
Wayne McLaren, one of the Marlboro cigarette cowboys died of cancer in 1992 at the age of 51. The original Marlboro Man, David Millar, Jr. died of emphysema in 1987. The widow of Marlboro Man David McLean, who died of lung cancer, sued the company for damages. Other tobacco spokesmen such as David Goerlitz, the Winston Man from 1981 to 1987, was disabled by a stroke in his mid-30s. He lost feeling in his left leg, left side of his face and lost his sense of taste. Will Thornbury, a Camel model, died of lung cancer at age of 56 in 1992; and Janet Sackman, a former Lucky Strike girl in the 1950s lost her voice box and part of a lung to cancer (Plain Truth April, 1993 p. 28).


New Member
I've known more than one person diagnosed with ADD who would used weed instead of speed to help them. Didn't make any sense to me, but whatever, they liked to share so I agreed with them.


New Member
What was the question?

My neighbow tokes sometimes to help with his reaction to meds he has to take and his chemo. He says it helps him keep calm and settles his stomach.

I only fell asleep real quick when I tried it myself. (real horney, real hungry, real sleepy al within 5 minutes). Waste of pleasure if you ask me.


Too cute for words
kat2220 said:
I only fell asleep real quick when I tried it myself. (real horney, real hungry, real sleepy al within 5 minutes). Waste of pleasure if you ask me.

The simple answer to that is to do something.