

Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Just reading some news site forums, and have an interesting scenario...

You come home from work, and find your SO having wild sex with someone else. You are armed with at .45 ACP. You will shoot both. Which one will you shoot first, and why?

Remember...this is purely hypothetical...

I'd shoot the 'stranger' first. There are enough pictures around that he should've known she was married, and had enough respect for the relationship to leave. She'd go second because she knew what would happen if she got caught, and, frankly, I would want her to have just that one, or two, seconds to think about what happened, and why.
The wife goes first. The guy goes about three hours later. Then that yankee sumbitch that moved in too close to the Roost. He's got it coming anyways. :devil:
Whichever one is on top. Frankly, I'd ram their heads together and plug them both with the one round. But I'm cheap.
Tim Wilson said:
Divorce is rough, and there's hell to pay,
But we don't own anything anyway...

Take the house and I wish you luck,
There's a Hooter's girl waitin' in the pickup truck.
She's a 38D and she just turned 22,
And if you try and save this marriage again, I kill you.

Knew this was coming. Funny thing is, you're armed with a .45, and not a camera. Go figure...:rolleyes:

yeah maybe i just think these wild sex and violence fantasy scenarios are a little adolescent, and accordingly don't feel bound to stick to the "rules."

okay, so let's pretend the dude fucking her is a former dictator of guatemala, and he's got death squads that'll kill your you entire family - we're talking even second cousins - if anything happens to him. so THEN what'll you do? hmm?

okay, yeah, and then what if it turns out that the chick is actually related to BIGFOOT, who is both fiercely defensive of family members, but on the other hand takes a "liberal" view of marital fidelity? WHAT THEN?

Wouldn't that be too simple and easy ??? I would blow his dick off and then take my time and think about what I want to do to her but it will be something where she would not forget me anytime soon...
why waste the rest of my life rotting in prison for a slut? I would pack up and leave, and go on a pussy rampage.