If I came back with new news, i'd actually have a life...

Stop Laughing

New Member
Very little new with me. Just everyone else in the family that's changing. I'm the only one in the immediate family to have their current job over a year: my brother quit Sears when they stopped paying commission and is now at Home Depot, my mother's still doing temp work, and my dad got axed. Made my brother very upset since dad's health insurance is supposed to cover him since he's still a dependant, and with his tendonitis and now he's on Nexium for digestion problems. My grandmother is now in the nursing home for good, they tested her during an assessment and since she didn't even try to listen to them they said she couldn't handle even assisted living. Every time we go visit her lately she seems depressed and gets upset with us when we try to tell her something, her lack of memory frustrates her and she lashes out at us, accusing us of keeping everything secret from her when in fact we've told her dozens of times but she can't remember.
Jeebus that's a mouthful. How's your mom doing otherwise? House holding up?

Don't fret too much about Grandma and her accusing...that's not really her.

But I think you're managing alright (you've kept your job).
That sucks, man. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Just know that it's not really her in there. The depression and anger and frustration are not terribly uncommon for folks in her situation though. Memory loss robs a person of a very private part of their life, and it makes sense that there would be some frustration that might come out as anger. [/Dr. Phil] Glad to see ya back amongst us though.
Welcome back SL. Been a while.

Sorry t'hear about all the troubles around you, and especially about your grandmother. This too shall pass.
While I could wish your life had been treating you better, it's damned nice to see you again. You going to be able to stick around awhile?
Still got tons of work to do. We still have way too much junk in this house and we need a yard sale at the very least to get rid of it, but they outvote me on it. They also shoot down my other ideas like carting it off to a dump (especially the broken and unusable furniture) but don't offer any ideas of their own. Getting this new toolbox was really cool, but we don't really have a use for it, and it caused a lot of aggravation at first. We had a very heated discussion between the 3 of us on whether to keep it or sell it, and while we've decided to keep it for now, selling it isn't out of the question. It's worth more than my mom's car right now. The easiest answer would be to use it to pay a contractor to do our remodeling, save us the cash if he would accept that as payment, but I don't think it's very likely.

I know it's real tough dealing with my grandma, and it tears me up how my mom treats her. I am very calm and patient and can deal with her fine, but my mom just doesn't seem to accept it. Maybe she's still in denial that her mother is losing her mind and tries fighting it, usually by yelling at grandma. That just pisses me off because I know that that can't possibly help and when she gets heated she stops listening to reason (usually me). I've had to physically separate them a few times, and that's not easy considering my mom outweighs me by plenty. Prof said it best last year: I love them, but I can't stand them.

As for sticking around for awhile, that's not easy. My brother got himself a new computer and I'm playing 'musical desktops' at the moment and haven't finished that project yet, so at least until that's done I'm probably still gonna be pretty scarce around here.
Yeesh. If there's anything worse than family fights, I don't want to see it. Hang in there, and stick to your guns on gramma. That just ain't right.