i rock at losing weight!

I've been in the desert for just over 5 months now, and I've lost 25 pounds. It wasn't easy..and I'm sick of 'rabbit food'. I think I've plateaued because I can't get my regular work-out routine due to my recurring back injury. :banghead:
bop, congrats!

Thanks. :) Still have a wee way to go, but I've lost those 15 lbs over the last couple of months, so things are going well (have been doing lots of exercise and reducing of portions, etc). Hopefully I'll be able to maintain it. :)

Best of luck greenie! If you did it once, you can do it again.
Good luck at keeping losing weight! I'm rather in different situation. It would be good for me to gain some weight.
i'm now able to wear a US size 14 in womens pants/skirts/dresses, and that makes me feel really good... i was a size 20 when i started!

This was absolutely the best part. To walk into a store that I could never have shopped in before, and have a fighting chance of finding something that fit!

Bravo to all of you trying and succeeding at controlling your weight!

I have a gym in my work building and do some bicep/tricep exercising with weights while I walk. I also did a whole lot of crunches this morning which feel really good. And then there's all the exercise videos at home... I'm on my way!
I've been drinking quite a bit of water this week, too... what I've been doing is counting calories, fat grams and carb grams.
I'm down 5.6 pounds from Monday morning to this morning.

Healthy weight loss is a rate of about 2lbs per week...anything more than that is usually a combination of water and muscle loss...both of which are bad.
Depends on your metabolism as well. Healthy weight loss is (for me) around 1.5 - 2 kilos a week (3.3 - 4.4 lbs), but some lose around 2.5 kilos (5.5 lbs) which is still in the healthy ballpark if your exercise program includes weights.
Healthy weight loss is a rate of about 2lbs per week...anything more than that is usually a combination of water and muscle loss...both of which are bad.

hmmm i think she's right.

a pound of fat is 3500 calories.

losing 5 pounds in roughly a week would mean running a negative calorie deficit of 2500 per day.

i suppose if you're a super-athlete and you need 4000 calories a day to maintain weight, okay, maybe... but for the normal human...

and then there's not a chance in hell anyone is going to be able to exercise to the point of significant calorie burn at the level of energy engendered by a 2500 calorie per day drop.

so unless somebody is gonna diet like bobby sands... ferget it.
Well, how many calories a day does it take to maintain 312 pounds? I've been consuming 1,500-1,700 calories a day the last few days.
That's probably a bit low for your BMI Ink. That site I linked to earlier should tell you how many calories per day that you need to subsume to lose weight.

RE: 2lbs per week, again, it depends on your metabolism, etc. If you have an exercise program, and stick to your required calorie intake per day, then you can lose more than 2 lbs per week safely. It's when you don't eat enough calories, and go overboard that weight loss eats into muscle.
The probability is, if you're overweight, your metabolism isn't in high gear.
5'10"... a certified lard-ass. I've been using the 20-pound dumbbells more though, so I'll have nice, buff arms. :D
Typically, when I start getting serious on a new diet - eating right and exercising - I'll drop 10 pounds fairly quickly. But then it's knuckle down time to get any more off, and the weight loss slows down. Some people have a fast metabolism. I don't. The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight.

I just hope everyone reading this doesn't turn to those weight reduction pills. Drugs are bad, mkay?