I need a hug...


New Member
I do :crying3:

...and not just for any reason, I broke up with my girlfriend. I won't give out all the details here, let's say we just weren't meant to be. I feel like shit, although relieved somehow, and I got this sudden urge to empty the bottle of Passoa which is standing next to me.
Do it, Nothing makes pain go away like a bottle. ;)

Just think of all the possibilities that just opened up for you, I know that always worked for me after a break up.

And sorry, but you'll have to wait for LL for the hug, but I'll give a nice hard punch on the shoulder, in a non-gay way of course.
*hug*, dude it sucks

don't drink too much of that passoa, you'll only regret it in the morning :)
*hugs Psycho* thanks, I needed that too. :)

I don't think rebounding is a good idea but men seem to like it for some reason. Give it some time, it will get easier week by week. Passing the extra time with friends or immersing yourself in work always worked for me.
i know your pain but i cant hug ya as your not someone i know very well *handshake* if you need anything were all here for ya. just remember it hurts for a while but eventually the pain will go away and youll be a bachelor and also itll be easier to talk to women and flirt but it will hurt for a while. hope youll be ok soon. and as PT said a bottle will make up for any pain :)
Thanks so far.

ris: I am neither dependant on alcohol nor do I feel the need to get drunk. Never been drunk and I always try to avoid it, gives the most fun before, during and afterwards :)

gf: I felt bad for a moment, but somehow everything settled pretty fast. I feel some kind of inner peace at the moment, it's great anyways, helps a lot. Friends have already helped a great deal, for which I'm very thankful...

Btw, this doesn't mean hugging-time is over, come here everyone :hug:
Don't drink any of that passoa. :headbang:

Welcome to Dumpsville, population: Us. I've been living here for going on 3 years now. You'll eventually come to like it here, the atmosphere is nice and always reminds you of how good it could have been. That is, until someone fiddles around with the environmental controls and makes the atmosphere remind you of how much it hurt, but then, he who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.

Anyways, don't beat yourself up too much, and you'll be ready for another romp in no time. :headbang:
Shaking hands is fine too freako :handshake:

Oh, and fury: hell yeah I'm ready :headbang: living in the past is not a good thing, so since I'm going out saturday anyways I've decided to do all I can :headbang:

(that is, if I can, even though I try to pretend to not care, I do, a lot)
Nothing wrong with caring. That stuff happens around the first or second or sometimes even third breakups. By the time you've had enough breakups, you'll be like "Oh, you think we shouldn't see each other anymore? OK, bye, cya, or maybe not. *door slam*" :retard:
:hug: allright but i didnt hug if anyone asks(im not allowed to show emotion i can show i care and lend an ear to ya but i cant show emotions dammit. i need to stay as strong as i can for cases like this where a friend needs me) you going to be ok soon psycho?
With all the hugging and kissing: LL, instead of kissing guys, try breaking up with your girlfriend and feel sad about it, works a lot better :D

Seriously, thanks everyone, although I was already feeling much better this helped!

...offcourse the Passoa helped a bit too ;)