I gotta.............


New Member
I gotta pickle
I gotta pickle

Philly said:
I gotta pickle
I gotta pickle

...sometimes someone comes along and takes a big ole bite out of your ass....i love pickles. have a big jar of dills in the ice box.
Buttcrackdivine said:
They taste like shit.
now, buttcrack, how would you know? pickles are the best, but they gotta be crisp, nothing worse than a flaccid pickle...okay, so thats not quite true...but a flaccid pickle is bad.
The missus used to steal the pickle off my plate at restaurants. Now, V2.0 does it. Hell, she mopes if I don't give her the ones on my cheeseburger. I haven't tasted a pickle in years.
Professur said:
The missus used to steal the pickle off my plate at restaurants. Now, V2.0 does it. Hell, she mopes if I don't give her the ones on my cheeseburger. I haven't tasted a pickle in years.
i believe that is a feminine trait. i am a pickle stealer meself.
Pickles are disgusting..i can only stand their tangy taste in mass heaps of better tasting vegetables and occasional meat...i would never eat them alone.
Sharky said:
How about a pickle earring?
you know....normally, when people speak of sticking what basically is a cucmber into your body that is just not what springs to mind.
tonks said:
now, buttcrack, how would you know? pickles are the best, but they gotta be crisp, nothing worse than a flaccid pickle...okay, so thats not quite true...but a flaccid pickle is bad.

Maybe he's tasted shit & can compare the taste?

Agreed on the flaccid pickle - then again, nothing is really nice when it's all limp & wrinkly is it?
Re : pickles

gherkins are the really only worthwhile type of pickle on this planet, all the others make my face look like a cats ass!
Buttcrackdivine said:
Pickles are disgusting..i can only stand their tangy taste in mass heaps of better tasting vegetables and occasional meat...i would never eat them alone.

I agree with you that the english version of pickles is disgusting... all vinegar no taste... but we're talking sweet and sour gerkins here and I love them! :licklips:
tonks said:
you know....normally, when people speak of sticking what basically is a cucmber into your body that is just not what springs to mind.
My thoughts exactly tonks! ;)
Nothing like a nice Kosher Dill



and it's Rosh Hashanna tonight (remmeber to wish the jews in your life a happy new year) so I get teo eat lots of pickles