How much do you hate me?

freako104 said:
hey Rose is back too. Missed you Rose :hug:


Everyones coming back....
This is an omen for us to all meet up and get drunk[/plugging bish's BBQ which he is planning on going to]
PrincessLissa said:
New name, new icon. I hadn't seen any of your posts yet either so :p

I try to keep everything the same on all the boards.
I like people to recognise me.:D
I keep just about the same things. On JJR I was DarkPrincess but that was a name that HH had given me so I went back to PrincessLissa. That is also what I use on my LJ and my Instant Messengers.
i'm the same on all boards but for one because it was a writers board and i wanted the anonymity...what's ironic is that i've posted more of my stuff here than there :eh:
I am always close by. I just never post much over here. You can usually find me over at cat's place. Although, big weekend coming up.