How about a photo gallery?

Have you updated that old & useless picture of yours yet, Q. No? I didn't think so:p:
I mailed him twice already. He said he would stop by. Yeah, shoot him another one. :headbang:
Originally posted by Gonz
Have you updated that old & useless picture of yours yet, Q. No? I didn't think so:p:
useless??? :p
ok, ok, I'll get kirk to take one. I can't take a pic of myself. Well, I tried to, in an elevator with mirrored doors, but it just didn't work out that well.:retard4:
i'm tempted to update mine, if i can find a decent pic. that ones about 4 years old now
Who dis? :D :p


Jon.jpg, 27.83kb

RL, I didn't know you were a fellow pumpkin head! Remember this?:


:D I can say that cus my parents, my siblings, and 3 of my nieces & nephews are redheads. :p
bloody gingas, and i can say that becasue i live with one [well, an ex ginge, but still worth it for tease value ;)]
weird thing with my missus; she was blonde until 8, then went ginge for most of her school years. which made life real easy for her, and then she returned to blonde at 16.
she is a strawberry blonde and her skintone is still that of a ginge. she was due to go back to ginge at 24 by the numbers but it appears we've been spared it. :D
Originally posted by greenfreak
Nice picture Dart. ;) Still have that goatee? :D

A lot of posts when you don't log on for half a day!

Thanks GF. I have been through many transformations. You should have seen me when I was 20 with a pony tail and full beard.
As for now, I have a fuller goat and I've turned to the gray side (that pic was 8 years ago-and it was my damn sister who submitted it: I like to remain invisible and she did it to bust my chops.) And unfortunately I had to stop lifting due to my accident that sent me into a premature retirement.

And I am still waiting for that Q picture that was promised, what seems like years ago!!!!