Has my monitor gone south..

Well, I wouldn't say it's your MONITOR that's gone south... But yes, I changed the buttons. :headbang:
You think those were bright, THIS is what the AUP button's gonna look like!


ooh, shiny. :)

odd that faq and team are still the old ones, while usercp, search, members adn home ones have gone day-glo
no change for me [right at the top near the logo bar], it might be cached or something.

i like the style of the buttons in comparison with the original ones.

edit and email buttons are still the older, also faq and team.

I guess you're just updating them right now.

Also some thread icons are not of the "same style".

BTW, good job fury :headbang:
I like 'em. I particularly like being able to easily tell which threads I've responded to.

Thanks, fury.
edit and email buttons are still the older, also faq and team.

I guess you're just updating them right now.
All of the postbit and header buttons are finished and uploaded though, so it's probably a cache issue

In regards to the little dots, you're all welcome... The reason they took so long was that I was trying to figure out why adding them caused an increase in the time it took to generate the page... I fixed it by adding some keys to certain columns in the thread and post tables. :headbang:
Nice buttons, but now I don't know how to tell which threads contain new posts since last time I logged in. ?( :p

Does "
" in front of the subject mean new messages?
s4: Yes, now shaddap :p :headbang:

Bananakin: Yes, and gimme a minute on the thread folders, I'm still tweaking around with the colors.
If the envelope is open there are new messages, if it is closed......you can imagine :D
Shouldn't the open envelope represent that you have read the thread, and a closed envelope represent that you have not read the thread? ?(
