Halloween decorations

Stop Laughing

New Member
The ones across the street are now operational, complete with strobe lights. I had enough trouble getting to sleep before, this is gonna drive me nuts... 14 straight nights of it? At least I won't need a costume, I WILL be a zombie for Halloween.
Halloween? Hell, most stores around here have skipped Halloween -- except for the candy aisle-- and have gone straight to Christmas.

As for homes, I've seen a couple with some Halloween stuff out. But, living out in the country, we don't get the trick-or-treat crowd.
Some of my neighbors have hay bale stacks with pumpkins and sheaves of dried cornstalks and sugarcane, but no lights or anything fancy.

We don't have trick-or-treaters either - none of my neighbors have children.
the people across the street have a little girl and they decorated with pumpkin things that fit over the lights out front, and some kind of plastic scarecrow (looks like one of those things where you stuff printed plastic bangs with leaves, and tie them together), as well as some jackolantern things in the windows.

in my parents' neighbornood, across the street from my friend shannon's house, there's some newish neighbors and they went all out, all kinds of lights and lawn stuff, it's insanicrazy.

we haven't done anything yet. we're going to get some pumpkins and make jackolanterns, and make sure the cat is in the house on halloween night.
I have a headstone, 3 pumpkins, skeleton, and some fakey spiderweb stuff out front at the mailbox. I won't plug it in until game day. Its simple and good for crowd control. I have to funnel them towards my driveway as they always want to trample the flowers and grass.
We've put up some simple stuff, it's about a week too early to start carving jack-o-lanterns. Ever left a carved pumpkin out for a week when it's still 80-85 in the afternoons?

The across the street neighbors always go nuts. They started rigging shit up last weekend.
Yeah we did up the flower bed out front with styrofoam light-up pumpkins and mums, etc....
Too bad we have to take them all down now because of WILMA! :cuss:
HomeLAN said:
We've put up some simple stuff, it's about a week too early to start carving jack-o-lanterns. Ever left a carved pumpkin out for a week when it's still 80-85 in the afternoons?

The across the street neighbors always go nuts. They started rigging shit up last weekend.

Actually, I've never even seen a pumpkin when it's that warm.

Rob, you gonna try and defend the low ground this year?
Cardboard tombstones galore (about 10 or so that I made a few years ago), 2 or 3 jack'o'Lanterns, and a ghostly door knocker. Nothing really elaborate. There are two places in my neighbourhood who go apeshit over both Halloween and Christmas re: decorations. I swear that they have to take out loans to pay the 'lectric bill. Usually, they're up 1 month in advance. Wish that I had my digicam with me instead of in Spain. :(
Mare said:
First thing that comes to mind :)
Stop Laughing said:
The ones across the street are now operational, complete with strobe lights. I had enough trouble getting to sleep before, this is gonna drive me nuts... 14 straight nights of it? At least I won't need a costume, I WILL be a zombie for Halloween.

Go over and tell them that you represent the local Wiccan association, and you find their display offensive and repressive, and if they don't remove it, you'll sue.
Professur said:
Go over and tell them that you represent the local Wiccan association, and you find their display offensive and repressive, and if they don't remove it, you'll sue.

:laugh5: a few years ago i would have gotten angry, but it's sooo true. i think more wiccans are angrier to be associated with the uppity wiccans than they are to be associated with pointy hats and stuff.
Professur said:
Actually, I've never even seen a pumpkin when it's that warm.

Rob, you gonna try and defend the low ground this year?
Absolutely. The neighbor and I even lock of the hill between us to prevent kids from trying to scale his wall of juniper. There hasn't been a year yet when I haven't pulled half a dozen objects out of my bushes ranging from discarded shaving cream cannisters, tennis balls, bottles, cans, costume components, and eggshells. Little stuff like candy wrappers are always found in the dozens.
The housebrat taped a few plastic spiders to the door...that's as far as we go.

I bought a small bag of candy, but we've never had a kid come to the door yet. S'cool though...I like Rolos.