Got a question for the female population


New Member
Um... she likes me :p ..... She likes the military... poetry....animals(dogs)......thats all i can think of

She doesn't collect anything that i know of
cos it might not seem like a lot, but if she digs you and poetry, then a combination of the two would be twice as good :)

if you dont write.... then that poses a problem, lol
you can make her a piece of art with I love you in it or a stuffed animal could be cool. or as Ash said poetry so she knows you love her deeply.

good luck. rock on!! :hairbang:
How about no cheesy cliche gifts like teddy bears that say I Love you because seriously thats lame to a very high exponential number. Don't write her frilly poetry either because poetry is so raped now these days that writing one is a hit and miss event. Either the poem is beautiful or horrible chessy and deserving of death:..the writers death, that is the case especially with love poems.

Give her something she'll actually use or needs, not something that will get your appreciation and end up collecting dust on the shelf later or in the trash where it really belongs.

Give her something practical like an Mp3 player or whatever (i do not know you at all so i am taking a stab in the dark here).

But no poetry or cheap stuffed animals....

BTW has anyone told you, you look like fury.
Ori - show up in some military outfit, reciting a poem about a dog ........ ;)


Give her a puppy - name it Hitler and teach it to invade smaller countries while saluting with its little paw.


Send her to bootcamp for a month, where she will be treated like a dog.....

If all else fails, buy her a gold (NOT FAKE!!!!) dog tag on a chain, with a little poem written by you, especially for her, engraved on the back.
Gold is always a good fall back gift

I prefer the "something that she needs/wants" route though as BCD said. It shows that you listen when she talks about things she'd like to have and or needs to get and also shows you care enough to remember. Not to mention that if she said she wants it/needs it there is no wondering if she'll like it.
Nixy said:
I prefer the "something that she needs/wants" route though as BCD said. It shows that you listen when she talks about things she'd like to have and or needs to get and also shows you care enough to remember. Not to mention that if she said she wants it/needs it there is no wondering if she'll like it.

:bgtup: I think most men AND women respond best to the above advice. After all, everyone likes to know their partners are paying attention. ;)
Pssssst....Ori....Go to the Moon Me thread in the LL and grab a couple acres of prime realestate for her.....;)
If she's fond of poetry, then why not get her a good book by a poet she that really likes. Or get her some sort of military memorabilia... eg. I have a American Civil War Bayonet which I really like, that my brother gave to me for my birthday a few years ago... just because she doesn't appear to collect things doesn't mean she can't start now if they are relevant to what she likes. ;)
Aunty Em said:
If she's fond of poetry, then why not get her a good book by a poet she that really likes. Or get her some sort of military memorabilia... eg. I have a American Civil War Bayonet which I really like, that my brother gave to me for my birthday a few years ago... just because she doesn't appear to collect things doesn't mean she can't start now if they are relevant to what she likes. ;)

Aunty Em is so smart!!!

:hug: missed ya Aunty!!!
Ori...this works every me :)

Ask her to go to the mall with you to help you pick out a gift for your sister/mother/another firend who is female (but not cmpetitive to her)

Take mental notes of what kid of things that she stops for. Half the time, she'll end up shopping for herself and the other half, she'll shop for the other female BUT with an eye tinged by her own tastes. Go back a few days later and buy something that she stopped to look at and that you like as well. She'll love it!

Other to her friends (female), and ask them if she's given them a list (chich often happens). Tell them that you don't want to give her a cheesy gift because you really care for her...they'll melt and either give you their list (if it exists), or better yet...take you shopping :)

The downside: You actually have to go shopping :crying4:
The upside: Chances are that you'll hit the big one:D
17 what an age- almost anything you buy her she'll love-depends on how romantic you can be. Gold is an option, or white gold, if your not th romantic type, stick with gift certificates, you can never go wrong there.......maybe alittle charm to go with the cert.