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:laugh: from the google labs forums:

Found another bug in the Glossary beta, but it's not really an
important one...

Whether out of boredom or curiosity I'm not sure, but I decided to
search for a definition of "1337". I was taken back to the main
Glossary page. At first I thought "Ha ha ha! How clever! They're
implying that Google Glossary is 'leet'. Cute."

But it seems any number, such as 666 or 42, will bewilder the
Glossary's search engine.

I said it wasn't important.

I assume this is an error, but I agree - they need an definition (or
more) to the number 42
This stuff is awesome. Know where the name google came from?

"We chose our system name, Google, because it is a common spelling of
googol, or 10^100 and fits well with our goal of building very
large-scale search engines."