FBI Investigating

If Ken Lay died in prison, so should these fucks....unfortunately, they all have friends in high places with (D)s beside their names
If Ken Lay died in prison, so should these fucks....unfortunately, they all have friends in high places with (D)s beside their names

not all, and this is going to be a deep winding rabbit hole.
Lets see how it plays out. Don't forget Larry Craig is being looked at too.

I don't think this is going to be a partisan thing.
Look at the biggest winners of the Congress pressured mortgage industry this last decade. There are a whole bunch of democrat big whigs. Not all, by any stretch but almost $300,000,000 went to a handful of Clinton folks alone.
October Surprise??


Two years ago, Pelosi & Reid promised big changes in DC.

We got 'em alright.
Dodd, Frank, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Raines, Johnson, Pritzker, Gorelick, Reno, Kerry, Schumer, Soros.......
I'm wondering why John Boehner was standing behind Paulson, ready
to fast track this abomination bailout.
Didn't look good to me.
Then there's Paulson himself.

Trust is running very thin ATM.
Dodd, Frank, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Raines, Johnson, Pritzker, Gorelick, Reno, Kerry, Schumer, Soros.......

and certainly an equally large number of republicans. keep floating up distractions and we're sure to never understand what is really going on.
As trigger-happy as the dems are to get a (R), any (R) (because they failed at Bush, Cheney, Rove) on the hotseat we would've already seen investigations, subpoenas, and testimony streaming out of the Hill if there was any possibility a republican could be involved. :shrug:
Don't you think if Congress had anything regarding the financial crisis on any Republicans, they would have already sent out the subpoenas? You know they would jump at the chance to grill them in front of the country.

That would leave only the dems, and you know they won't investigate their own.
As trigger-happy as the dems are to get a (R), any (R) (because they failed at Bush, Cheney, Rove) on the hotseat we would've already seen investigations, subpoenas, and testimony streaming out of the Hill if there was any possibility a republican could be involved. :shrug:

Actually that's not true.
This is exactly what happens when you have an entrenched elected official. If you notice, most of those names are in their fourth term and up. For now we'll say the younger ones got caught up in a bad crowd...;)
Do you know what the difference is between a corrupt monarchy and a corrupt democracy? New faces at the trough every 4 years.
If Ken Lay died in prison, so should these fucks....unfortunately, they all have friends in high places with (D)s beside their names

I know you like to ignore any corruption by the (r)'s but this is getting ridiculous.

You ready to admit you were wrong about McCain's campaign manager's connection yet?