factory order are UP, UP, UP!!!

it would be interesting to see who ordered more than one.

like the market (imo), this could be another slight of hand.
not again
it's always there
I'm pretty consistant in that area. ;)
Keep on truckin'! :beardbng: ..Yeah Baby!
Why do people find it necessary to quote the post directly
above theirs? I mean C’Mon!
and eight months from now when all that product is still
sitting in inventory and has to be written down?

won't happen dude. the future is here. and it's all super 'n shit.

So when the economy plummets’ to a 30's style depression
by 2013 then runs flat till 2023 you'll be part of the chorus
singing that it's the capitalists fault?
Neither side can stave it off, only make it worse.
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
so, I wonder when/if obama himself will finally 'claim' the current economy.
I bet he never will.
Mrs. Clinton is still referring to 2001-2002.:trippy:
Everything is goin' to the dawgs.

Being a socialist/commie/lib means:
Never having to take responsibility.
No that's what being a fascist/nazi/conservative means which is why they don't like to take responsibility for Bush tanking the economy.
Why do people find it necessary to quote the post directly
above theirs? I mean C’Mon!

Because, later, we don't have to go looking for the original post. Why do some people find it necessary to edit their posts when they're quoted?
Gonz if someone can't follow a thread
then by all means crap it up by quoting.
(my lips move when I read) :sick:

Wow I posted without quoting, amazing!
See Synonym

Actually liberals aren't socialists or commies. Commies and Socialist aren't even the same thing. This explains a lot of your misunderstanding.

But if you are going to claim them as synonyms, then we can go ahead and claim conservative/nazi/fascist as synonyms.