Dvorak keyboard


Not really Banned
i just switched my keyboard mapping to dvorak from qwerty. basically this means my keyboard is now arranged like the picture. in the hour since I switched I've gotten very little done, but I really like this layout. However, all the console commands that I use frequently, ls, cp, mv, ctrl+c, etc. are so hardwired into my head that they've been giving me a lot of trouble.
if my posting seems retardedly slow you know why. has anyone else tried or use this?
Supposedly the layout is more efficient and comfortable, as you don't have to move your fingers as much to type, since frequently used letters are placed on the home row. Frequent use of this layout has been shown by some scientific experiment to produce better typing speed and accuracy, and less risk of RSI from less finger movement, even from people who grew up using the qwerty layout.

I tried it once. With my split form MS Natural Pro it's a little awkward though. Add on to that the fact that my brain and my hand muscles are fixated on the qwerty layout (I can even type in the air and recite the entire key list in my sleep) and damned if I'm gonna try to change that. :tardbang:

Maybe if I found a good keyboard that comes designed with that layout in the first place... but I'm quite content with the ~100 wpm I type now.
Shadowfax said:
question is....WHY!?
why not? :)

fury said:
Maybe if I found a good keyboard that comes designed with that layout in the first place... but I'm quite content with the ~100 wpm I type now.
my logitec is retarded, the f & j keys attach to the board with the same connector, but it's rotated 90deg, so now I have 4 keys turned sideways. My keyboarding skills have always been lousy so maybe I can get good at this
Having been able to type for over 30 years, since I was 14, I'll stick with Qwerty thanks... I doubt if I could unlearn it now. :)

I don't suppose anyone here remembers the old manual Imperials...
I'll stick with qwerty myself (old dog, y'know) but I'm told that a typist can improve 30% or more by learning the Dvorak keyboard.
30%? Damn. For me that's almost 40wpm (my fastest recorded typing speed was 120)
I'm sticking with a qwerty too...otherwise I'd have to have some kind of dork to qwerty decoder software. :D
Learning Dvorak at a young age instead of Qwerty would be advantageous... if it weren't for the fact that every other computer in the world you might want to use from time to time would then be awkward as hell. :)
Aunty Em said:
What is your %age accuracy?

My speed depends on whether I know what I'm typing. If I have to stop to think about it, I obviously can't type faster than I think; about 1/10 of the time I'll backspace the word and try a new one which will drop my speed a lot too. I kind of wait to think about the best wording to use until I start typing what I had in mind. You have no idea how many posts I'll go back and edit within the first minute too. :eek: Sometimes 3 or 4 times before I'm satisfied with the result.

But if I have it all in mind already, I can usually stay up at 100-120 with minimal errors.
I don't do that much typing anymore... I probably touch type at about 60 now, but then I tend to stop and think about what I'm typing, so if I was just copying something it would probably be faster. But I've found since I had an RSI in my left hand that hand tends to leave the keyboard and is slower than the right anyway.
outside looking in said:
if it weren't for the fact that every other computer in the world you might want to use from time to time would then be awkward as hell.
I have that problem at work with my natural keyboard. Everyone else hates it. Luckily , they rarely use my computer. My boss did make me take my trackball out and put a mouse back on though. I thought it was very entertaining wantching people slide it around the desk and wonder why the pointer wasn't moving.
chcr said:
My boss did make me take my trackball out and put a mouse back on though.

What's up with that? I like trackballs... you have to be a complete idiot to NOT know how to use it... Um... DON'T show this to your workmates... they haftabe brain dead! :lol: