Do you remember your dreams?


New Member
Do you have any dreams that you just seem to remember or have the same one over and over again?

There was this one dream that I had when I was a little kid and had it a few more times over the years. It's when I'm walking, and I see a rainbow. Then I walked a long way and finally reaching the rainbow. I jump on the cloud, and the rainbow colors start moving and give me a ride. There are some places I go through before getting to the other side of the rainbow. When I get there, all of my dreams and desires are there just waiting for me.

I swear, that must be my favorite dream of all time. :D
Mine that I get yearly is when everything is in slow motion, black-and-white. I'm in a completely white room, but one wall is a gigantic clock. I don't remember what all happens (you'd think I would after having it so often)

LOL funny you should bring this up. Had an OTC dream last night. We were arguing over when GF should call Prof. Everyone said 1pm, but we couldn't figure out which time zone. I do remember telling everyone he's not in Mexico, like we all had thought, so the timezone thing was going to be slightly different. No matter, Q and Squiggy were arguing over whether he was Central or Eastern Time Zone and not listening to anyone else. :confuse3: I finally started laughing and then my phone rang and I woke up--it was my alarm. Damn...wanted to see how that ended too....

Any psychoanalysists in the crowd tonight?
LOL, I think that only means faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too much OTC for you lately :rofl3:

I in general only remember the reeeeeeeeeeally angry dreams in which I'm filled with rage,

or the reeeeeeeeeeeeally sexy dreams, in which I'm getting it better than I ever did before...I had one of those with Ozzy Osbourne a few weeks ago :blush:
Mirlyn said:
Had an OTC dream last night. We were arguing over when GF should call Prof.

Out of all the people here who have had dreams involving OTC people, you're the first to dream about me. *feels special*

Now... I think Prof is in the Eastern Time zone. I could be wrong though. Squiggy? Wanna fight with me about this? ;)
Not anymore, used to have very vivid dreams, I haven't remembered one for years. Pisses me off too.
lacemyster said:
There was this one dream that I had when I was a little kid and had it a few more times over the years. It's when I'm walking, and I see a rainbow. Then I walked a long way and finally reaching the rainbow. I jump on the cloud, and the rainbow colors start moving and give me a ride. There are some places I go through before getting to the other side of the rainbow. When I get there, all of my dreams and desires are there just waiting for me.
LOL and what did you smoke at the beginning of the dream? :D
I barely remember my dreams these days. but if I try hard I can remember some things.
Most of the times i don't remember my dreams, i just wake up feeling good or bad.
lacemyster said:
Do you remember your dreams?

Not a single one.

My wife makes up for my lack of nighvisions however. She takes a thirty second dream & can spend hours telling us about it.
I maybe remember one dream in a year. And that'll usually be forgotten before the first cup of tea's cold.

BTW, I'll soon be loosing my desk and phone at work. They're closing an office and moving the people in with us. And since I spend most of my time on the road, I'm high on the bump list.
I keep having a recurring dream where I spend my evenings staring at something called a computer and........
Ummm...wait a minute! Oh, er never mind.

Seriously, I used to remember some when I was younger, rarely anymore. I'd like to try lucid dreaming Someday.
Leslie said:
LOL, I think that only means faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too much OTC for you lately :rofl3:
Complaint or compliment? ;)
greenfreak said:
Mirlyn said:
Had an OTC dream last night. We were arguing over when GF should call Prof.

Out of all the people here who have had dreams involving OTC people, you're the first to dream about me. *feels special*

Now... I think Prof is in the Eastern Time zone. I could be wrong though. Squiggy? Wanna fight with me about this? ;)

Unc was in it too, though I can't remember what part. I've been trying to recall since I posted that.

I want to say he had something to do with building a bridge, but I don't know. Too fuzzy to really even attempt to detail.
I remember some of my dreams. If I have them more than once, I can recall a lot of details, sometimes almost right down to the oxygen/nitrogen/carbon dioxide levels. It depends on how vivid the dream was. I still remember this one dream where I was shot through the head by a cop. I had it again a couple weeks ago. He had two people in his back seat having sex :)confuse3: ), his car listed a few emergency phone numbers (911 and the non-emergency police and fire numbers). His license plate was torn off (not just taken off... there were remnants of one still attached to one of the screws), and he had brown hair that was spiked with enough gel to keep the salon across the street in business as long as he was alive.

There was this other one I had a few nights ago, if you recall my Armageddon pic in Creative Arts & Design, I acted that dream out, but as if I were outside of my own body watching as I did it. I'll see if I can draw a closeup of myself...

Leslie said:
or the reeeeeeeeeeeeally sexy dreams, in which I'm getting it better than I ever did before
Have I been in one yet? :brow:
As long as I can remember, whenever I get really sick I have the same, I wish I could describe the specifics, it's like a frightening combination of Salvador Dali and The Wall.

I hate getting stirred from a good dream, pretty much ruins my day.
I have vivid dreams that I remember frequently, vivid waking nightmares, and I talk to Rusty a lot in my sleep too. The bad stuff usually happens when I'm really stressed or my stomach is upset or I eat too late.

I had a big piece of cake at work yesterday so my eating schedule was off when I got home. I spent a couple of hours playing GTA Vice City and realized at 8:30pm that I hadn't eaten yet. I ate and immediately got a stomach ache and went to bed at 10 so I had a bunch of nightmares.

I woke Rusty up at some point and was mumbling mumbling mumbling, said loudly "...and ANOTHER thing...!" mumbling mumbling mumbling... Usually all he has to say is "Go back to sleep" and it's like the magic words to get me to stop talking and lay down. But he was enjoying my lecture last night and let me talk for a while. He said it sounded like the way people talk in The Sims game. :D