Disagree with Obama, get branded a racist

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The same people complaining about the "obama bin laden" and "obama the joker" and "obama the communist" pictures were the ones who posted the "bush declaring victory after like 3 minutes in iraq" and the "bush sitting on a rowboat in katrina playing guitar" and the "bush reading the book upside-down on 911" pictures.

Wow, legitimate complaints compared to hysteria about eugenics and death panels and commies.
You really should get a little more coherent.


Are you even aware of what is happening in this photo?

Where's your outrage and condemnation of this disgraceful action during a hearing on Capitol Hill?
I'm not saying anything. I asked you a very clear question that you refuse to answer.

Where's my rage? WTF? We weren't talking about Condi so nobody is displaying feelings about her here including you. What a bizarre question.

Have you ever taken a Scientology communication course?

Is that what you're doing here? That would explain some shit.
Where's my rage? WTF? We weren't talking about Condi so nobody is displaying feelings about her here including you. What a bizarre question.

Is that what you're doing here? That would explain some shit.

No, I introduced the assault of Condi Rice by white leftist radical into a discussion about dissenters of President Obama being racist.

If you can't see the relationship to the discussion it would be a very clear indicator as to why you can't ever seems to grasp the color of a conversation.

Again you didn't answer the question. Have you ever taken any Scientology courses?
No, I introduced the assault of Condi Rice by white leftist radical into a discussion about dissenters of President Obama being racist.

You asked where I my rage about something awhile back that we weren't discussing. Nobody was typing any feelings about Condi because it's something we weren't talking about.

Maybe you should try and brew up some kind of point.

Again you didn't answer the question. Have you ever taken any Scientology courses?

No, if you're using Scientology communication it would explain some things. Tell us how it works.

Is that why you throw random weird crap tangents in everywhere and never back up what you say and state your wishful thinking as if it were actually true?
No, if you're using Scientology communication it would explain some things. Tell us how it works.

Heres how Sci-comm works:

  • You never discuss anything other than what serves your goal.
  • You avoid all reasonable discussion and continually point in other directions.
  • Manufacture concepts and misinterpret/misrepresent material.
  • You always attack, never defend.
  • When someone introduces something into a conversation you point out that "we're not discussing that" and redirect with a question
  • When cornered in the conversation instill some level of doubt and attack the other party or their source.
  • Use word and label that paint your opponent as something feared or socially unacceptable or degraded. (ie: Nazi, Racist, Bigot)
  • NEVER NEVER discuss anything against you or the points against you.
  • Always become the persecuted innocent victim of an evil person of group.
  • Do not listen to what you opponent is saying, acknowledge it and dismiss it.
  • Always portray yourself as being an authority and right even if you are not, exude absolute confidence.

Basically, exactly what you do in every thread. Scientology has considerable deep seeded infiltrations inside the left (although not exclusively)

As I recall...RM is pretty anti-Scientology.
His intuitive judgment is markedly and remarkably poor.
Heres how Sci-comm works:

  • You never discuss anything other than what serves your goal.
  • You avoid all reasonable discussion and continually point in other directions.
  • Manufacture concepts and misinterpret/misrepresent material.
  • You always attack, never defend.
  • When someone introduces something into a conversation you point out that "we're not discussing that" and redirect with a question
  • When cornered in the conversation instill some level of doubt and attack the other party or their source.
  • Use word and label that paint your opponent as something feared or socially unacceptable or degraded. (ie: Nazi, Racist, Bigot)
  • NEVER NEVER discuss anything against you or the points against you.
  • Always become the persecuted innocent victim of an evil person of group.
  • Do not listen to what you opponent is saying, acknowledge it and dismiss it.
  • Always portray yourself as being an authority and right even if you are not, exude absolute confidence.

Wow! That describes you very well.

"You avoid all reasonable discussion and continually point in other directions."

Yep, you throw out random dates, pictures, personal attacks, and avoid reason.

"Manufacture concepts and misinterpret/misrepresent material."

Hell yes, you make up shit all the time and misrepresent other stuff.

"Always portray yourself as being an authority and right even if you are not, exude absolute confidence."

Exactly, you make up crap and act like it is real. No facts needed, you are the authority.

"Use word and label that paint your opponent as something feared or socially unacceptable or degraded."

Yes@! So that's where all the commie, socialist crap and childish personal attacks are coming from. This explains a lot of the Tea Baggers too with their fear mongering. Death panels, eugenics, killing grandma explained.

"When cornered in the conversation instill some level of doubt and attack the other party or their source. "

Yep, personal attacks in every reply instead using any level of reasoning. You do that. I understand your trolling now. When you're cornered you use personal attacks. You also just ignore what cornered you and say shit like "I'm speechless". Is that Scientology too?

"Always become the persecuted innocent victim of an evil person of group."

Yep, that's your "You're ruining my country waaaa waaa waaa! Evil death panels will kill grandma" stuff. Got it.

Thanks for giving me some insight into how you're working here. I was wondering why you couldn't rationally discuss anything.

How many courses did you take?
Naw, I' just don't follow your bait. That's where your confused about me following your red herring leads.

Your inability to discover meaning in what I say is actually a reflection of your own malfunctions and deficits.

I, and others, call you: commie, socialist, subversive, narrow-minded-pea-brain, progressive-hack, hypocrite etc is because that is the platform you yourself project. It is what you support and cherish.

The sole reason you cannot have a reasonable discussion with me is simple. It is because you are incapable of reasonable discussion.

As far as me talking down to you and treating you like shit, well ..... In my eyes, you've earned every tasty drop of it. :la:

I'm in your face, that how I roll.

I know far more liberals now than I did 2 years ago, I get along just dandy with all of them.

I pummel MarkieMark here on OTC, but I do I do appreciate him for the dork he is. And to his credit does make some effort to consider options. He's not 1/3 as retarded as he was +5 years ago. (....good job Gonz). Bishy chcr Leslie and the others here are just fine people who have liberal views but not blinded by it.
See now that is interesting because what you fail to see is that I am NOT A LIBERAL! I have a very liberal attitude toward health care reform, and reform of the criminal justice system, but I am downright conservative on civil law.

Truth be told I am for tighter control on handguns if not some kind of ban but in my opinion anyone should be able to have an assault rifle!

On the issue of taxes, well I am right here....

I just decide my position based on the actual issue and what I see as the best solution. I don't consult the party line or prefab agenda before I make a stand on a particular issue. Right now, given my support of serious health care reform it may very much appear that I am a liberal, but it is just because this is the big issue of the day. I am not a big fan of Obama, but I do see him as better than the last regime.

The trouble is without serious campaign reform, tort reform, doing away with lobbyists as we know them, and busting up the one party system (two names one party, slight differences). Without major overhaul, nothing the left or right wants will likely be accomplished. Too much scratching each others back and not near enough looking for solutions that actually work!
The sole reason you cannot have a reasonable discussion with me is simple. It is because you are incapable of reasonable discussion.

No, it's because you don't use reason. You use trolling. You don't use facts, you make up shit.

You get proven wrong so you throw tantrums like a child and just throw around silly personal attacks. When in a corner you try to derail the topic with these tantrums. Like in this thread.

Are you even aware of what is happening in this photo?

Where's your outrage and condemnation of this disgraceful action during a hearing on Capitol Hill?

So let just pretend for a moment that this photo might be related to this thread in a parallel universe. Let also ignore the fact that we were not talking about this event prior to my introducing it into this thread.

  • Do you see anything wrong with this picture?
  • Is it racist?
  • Was the action inappropriate?
  • Were you out raged by it?
  • Did you denouce it?
  • or did you find it to be a justified practice of freedom of protest?

--your turn.
Well and Altron was a Bush cheerleader. Same for you guys (cons at least), so of course you wouldn't see it....

lol. When have I ever been a Bush cheerleader? I might have criticized obsessive bush-hatemongers (which is exactly what I'm still doing now with Obama-hatemongers). Where do you get this nonsense from? Care to provide some quotes? In context, of course. Because I sure don't remember being a bush cheerleader.
I have always considered the "racist" name calling to be an acknowledgement of defeat in a battle of wits by persons of inferior intellect.

I have always considered the "racist" name calling to be an acknowledgement of defeat in a battle of wits by persons of inferior intellect.


Even the President knows that the 'racist' tag is a bunch of hooey. What we have here is failure to communicate.

President Barack Obama has said that some Americans may oppose him because of race, but that this has not been the main factor behind healthcare protests.

He suggests, in TV interviews to be broadcast on Sunday, anti-government sentiment was the key reason for angry protests against healthcare reform.

Former President Jimmy Carter said this week that much of the vitriol against reform plans was "based on racism".

Many felt "that an African-American should not be president", he said.

Next lunatic accusation?
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