Death Penalty Case


Well-Known Member
An appeals court will now review Taylor's claim that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment, a claim also used by two Florida death-row inmates that won stays from the Supreme Court over the past week. The court has agreed to use one of the cases to clarify how inmates may bring last-minute challenges to the way they will be put to death.,2933,183524,00.html

I don't get this...
Is there an easier way to execute?
If not, then ALL executions will be done away with. :confused:
Once again - punishment is, by definition, both cruel and unusual. The founding fathers fucked this one up, IMO.
Punishment is a naturally occurring consequence to behavior. Ram your fist through a window, you get cut. Commit murder, get convicted, you get punished.
So what's the humane answer? Let 'em go? Lock 'em up forever? How long before life imprisonment becomes cruel and unusual?

We as a society have got to set our foot down somewhere. We are doing it to some degree on child molestors. I don't see many of y'all begging for mercy on their behalf. I myself would rather be raped than killed.
SouthernN'Proud said:
So what's the humane answer?

Get rid of the poorly thought out "cruel and unusual punishment" clause. I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying to lighten the punishment, I'm saying to stop protesting it.
HomeLAN said:
Get rid of the poorly thought out "cruel and unusual punishment" clause. I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying to lighten the punishment, I'm saying to stop protesting it.

Indeed I did. Good to have ya back. :lloyd:
HomeLAN said:
Once again - punishment is, by definition, both cruel and unusual. The founding fathers fucked this one up, IMO.

Amongst other things. But that's what happens when a document is written by idealists instead of lawyers.

But on a side note, from what I've heard, medically, about lethal injection, you spend about 5 minutes paralised. Unable to breathe, you're still conscious when your heart stops beating. Personally, I'll take a good hanging over than anyday.
I don't know. They sedate 'em down here before the nasty stuff hits their veins. Not sure how conscious they really are.
HomeLAN said:
I don't know. They sedate 'em down here before the nasty stuff hits their veins. Not sure how conscious they really are.

That's it. The sedative supposedly doesn't shut down the cognative. But ... that's all just what I've heard and seen through PBS. I've not made an indepth study of it since public speaking in highschool.
Chinese method...point blank shot thru the back of the head works well.

"Cruel & Unusual"...keep in mind what the Europeans were doing (and historically did) to subjects. Torture chambers (remember the rat cage thing?) did not include Motorhead & nekid pyramids. It did included Iron Maiden however.... :rofl3: