

Annoying SOB
I didn't know where else to put this and I consider people here as my friends and I could use them right about now.....


Because I just lost one :crying:

She was killed in a car crash last night.....thats all I know at the moment.... I'm trying to tak about her but can't bring myself to say anything in the past tense about her :crying4:. She's a lively, fun, intelligent young woman with 2 amazing children and she has just been stolen from us by a cruel twist of fate. At least I can hold on to my last memory of her, smiling and laughing. I just hope she's moved on to a better place than she has been in.............

Well, that's a definite bummer. It sucks for those of you who knew her, and it really sucks for her kids. Hopefully the death was at least quick so the extra suffering isn't thrown in to rub it in.
i'm so sorry, stew. that's just awful. is this a local friend? can you attend the services, some say that is helpful to say goodbye. we're here if you need us.
Yes....she works......worked with me. She sat at the desk right next to mine.....I don't know if I can go in and face looking at that empty chair knowing who occupied it and that I am never EVER going to get to see that person again.

I just picked up the paper as well......she made the front page and now for something I didn't know, her boyfriend was killed too....judging by the impact at least I can say they didn't suffer....
f'kin' 'ell :(

Sorry to hear that dude........it's a right kick in the balls when one of the good 'uns goes so quickly :(
Thanks for your kind words people....

Im yet to hear anything else....I'm guessing theres a lot of stunned and silent grieving going on that I would like to be a part of....
I just got a call with some further information.....and quite frankly I really wanted to know more but right now I'm not sure I want to know what I know. I'll just say it was quick for her.....

Damn Stewy. I am sorry you lost your friend. condolences. Hope youll be ok soon. Hope the kids will be allright. Are you going to the funeral?

:sadhug: take care man hope the best