

Well-Known Member

My latest ADOM character. Meia, level 15 Gray Elf archer, Bow+Dagger specialist using Arrows of Slaying +3 and dual-wielded Knife of Devastation +4 + Eternium Dagger +3. Maxed Stealth, Archery, Literacy, Find Weakness, Dodge, Awareness. Best stats: 29 Appearance, 23 Dexterity, 112 Speed, 24 Toughness.

Make one of your own!


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:

...beautiful isn't she... naughty bits all sumptuous and ripe as a cherry... heaving a yet yielding.
Wow... see, that's why I usually look up from the keyboard to make sure the right thing came up after I pressed ctrl-V before I hit tab and then space to select "post quick reply."


Well-Known Member
Professur said:
Anyone ever play Champions? Tell them about it, Bish.

A potentially great game lessened by the bevy of rules and regs that slow it down considerably unless you're willing to ignore most of them...kinda like Shadowrun.

It's a Super-hero RPG with near limitless possibilities of character creation and the only limit seems to be imagination. Better than the DC superhero game (which mostly allows you to only play their characters) and better than Villians&Vigilantees because there are more powers and variations involved, it runs smoothly unless you've got players who are too anal about the rules. :D

The longest bit seems to be character creation...unless you just want to play a brick (think Hulk).

I'm DMed it before, as I have Shadowrun... they're both challenging to play and fun to DM.


Well-Known Member
Bish, you forgot the most important part.

During character creation, you only have so many point you can assign. But, you can increase that by placing limitations. Such as, super strength, but not invunerable. If you punch someone, you'll break your hand. Flight, but only with your eyes closed.


Well-Known Member
freako104 said:
If you Dmed it then you know what D system it is? Is it still in print?

It uses percentile die. It's still in reprint actually. With a new version coming out in 2005. I'm hoping that they clear off some of the fighting problems. The move chart (faster palyers moving more often per turn - with 12 sections per turn) slowed things down because both speed and initiative played a part in how many times people moved/turn. Frankly...keeping track of 6 players plus 6-8 villains, plus NPCs and when they all moved per turn and who moved first/ held actions...was a pain.

As Prof said...sometimes the limitations make the game...if as a GM, you make use of them, and limit which limitations make sense. You can't have a player choosing fear of clowns and taking the same number of points as fear of the dark, or xenophobia. :shrug: Wouldn't make sense. Sometimes, one characters limitations can be used for the premise for an entire game (Arch-Nemesis for one is great for that) so is 'family' (think Spiderman's Aunt).

Having great players helps too!! :D


Well-Known Member
so you had an invincible hero?

I am not too familiar with the percentile di system though some of the games I liked were percentile(Call of Cthulhu, TMNT). I will check it out sometime. Every game I have seen has limits of one thing or another.