Commonwealth Games


New Member
So the opening ceremony was last night - I thought it was kinda weird, possibly because I switched to it midway through the event and caught what looked like a boy and a duck on adventure or some such (made me think of Nils Holgersohn). And the queen looked seriously constipated.

First events taking place today - heard our guys took gold in 4x100m freestyle relay...will just have to watch the highlights tonight (because I want to see Ryk Neethling dripping wet, I admit it). Looks like Aussies are doing rather well, Canada, Scotland, NZ, England and India also in among the first day medals.

Do you guys follow the games at all?
Hell... we can't even get decent cricket or footie. Something as inclusive as a Commonwealth Games wouldn't even get a press mention over here in the rebellious territories.
now I know they`re on I can look for em. They`re not a quarter as marketed as the Olympics are.
I enjoy the games because they combine the able bodied and disabled athletes (not against each other).

BoP - is it a male or female cousin? Canada took gold in the men's teams events in gymnastics last night. One guy fell his arse off from the high bar....I of course cracked up laughing.
Of all the events the women's gymnastics was the one that pissed me off solidly. That Aussie chick should not have won, the gold should have gone to Canada.

Anyway, it's almost coming to an end now - closing ceremony on Sunday. I wish they had more sports to participate in - why are there no Equestrian events or martial arts? Haha, was watching some of the events with my mom and just innocently asked her 'so are the Commonwealth games also held every four years?'...'why', she says, 'what do you want to go do?' ( :rolleyes: ) 'uh nothing Ma, I don't think talking nonsense is regonised as a sport'

Wish the presenters & comentators had done a little preparation on how to correctly pronounce the names of non-Aus participants. With some of the athletes we didn't even know who the hell they were talking about - 'such & such a person from South Africa', we're like WTF - who's that?? Only to see later that it's someone we know who's name had just been raped by the commentator.

For the most part I thoroughly enjoyed the show.
i tried to watch some of those games, but the cable channel it was broadcast on wasn't part of the package i have.
BoP - I think Olivia came 14th overall in the individual competition. Not sure, didn't see her perform (they were more concerned with the Aussies). That's pretty good IMO :)
OMG did you watch that closing ceremony last night? I was laughing my arse off - that guy who sang at the end was just too cheesy. Damn - was like Barry Manilow meets Donald Trump :rolleyes: