Christmas Baskets

Blame somebody else
Bish said:
The commercialization of Christmas is killing low-income families.

Blame those in charge
Prof said:
Everytime I see a "poor" person buying beer, cigarettes, or with cable tv or a car, it just reinforces my decision to not give them a cent.

Blame somebody else
Bish said:
Public transit ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Blame those in charge
Prof said:
most of the people I'd willingly give to are those you mention that don't request baskets in the first place.

Blame somebody else
Bish said:
Help them make their system more efficient.

Blame those in charge
Prof said:
They want something from me, not the other way around

Blame somebody else
Bish said:
cause the odds of any organization, company or GVT getting anything close to 100% is somewhere close to : 1 googleplex:1

Am I sensing a pattern here?
For many, many years I have volunteered to deliver meals to the Elderly, and then to AIDS patients.
Now that I'm in need, there's nobody to help even shopping for my food. I don't see well enough to drive.
kat2220 said:
For many, many years I have volunteered to deliver meals to the Elderly, and then to AIDS patients.
Now that I'm in need, there's nobody to help even shopping for my food. I don't see well enough to drive.

Contact the your local Synagogue. I'm quite sure that your Rabbi knows who to call. If not, the local Red Cross.
Professur said:
Give Bish your address. I'm sure he'll oblige.

That's one hell of a LONG trip just to deliver groceries! You should know, and you didn't even let me know you were in the area this past summer!
Gato_Solo said:
Contact the your local Synagogue. I'm quite sure that your Rabbi knows who to call. If not, the local Red Cross.

Neg. She shouldn't have to. Where are the friends, and family that are supposed to perform support like this? To once again answer Bish, here's a person who can say they deserve my effort. If only in repayment for the effort she put out when she was able.
kat2220 said:
That's one hell of a LONG trip just to deliver groceries! You should know, and you didn't even let me know you were in the area this past summer!

Yes, you already beat me up over it. It wasn't my fault you didn't come over here when I baited the others. Unless you think that Racebuds and Racing-forums would have appreciated invites to the BBQ.
Professur said:
Neg. She shouldn't have to. Where are the friends, and family that are supposed to perform support like this? To once again answer Bish, here's a person who can say they deserve my effort. If only in repayment for the effort she put out when she was able.

Friends have fled, family is scattered all over and far away, NC, DC, CA, FL, and I am not a member of the local Synagog (can't afford it and can't see to drive that far.
I'm NOT whining, and don't want to impose. Neighbors do litte errands occasionaly and my stepdaughter helps out when she can.
I just don't expect much from humanity any more.
kat2220 said:
I'm NOT whining, and don't want to impose. Neighbors do litte errands occasionaly and my stepdaughter helps out when she can.
I just don't expect much from humanity any more.

And that anyone would call it an imposition disgusts and enrages me.
Gonz said:
From the more polite side of the family.

Oh yeah? Go over there and make a derogatory comment about either #3, #8, or #24 and see how much skin you have left when you get back.
Professur said:
Oh yeah? Go over there and make a derogatory comment about either #3, #8, or #24 and see how much skin you have left when you get back.

BUT you have to be POLITE over there and can't even talk about such things as *gasp* sex or *faint* cuss! :O That Tony is gay thing cracked me up!
kat2220 said:
BUT you have to be POLITE over there and can't even talk about such things as *gasp* sex or *faint* cuss! :O That Tony is gay thing cracked me up!
Some of the folks over there are wayyyyyyyyy too uptight! But, that's the way it was when I joined over there, and that's the way it will continue. :D
majestyx said:
Some of the folks over there are wayyyyyyyyy too uptight! But, that's the way it was when I joined over there, and that's the way it will continue. :D

Do I detect a challenge???? Sammy's gonna have a fit if he finds out you're encouraging me to stir the pot over there. Specially since it's the off season and people are just itching for something to argue about anyways.
Professur said:
Do I detect a challenge???? Sammy's gonna have a fit if he finds out you're encouraging me to stir the pot over there. Specially since it's the off season and people are just itching for something to argue about anyways.
Absolutely NO challenge involved. And, you are so correct in the fact that some of those folks are just itching to argue about any thing. Including the weather! And, Sam didn't own the joint when I joined. :swing:
Really? I detect a story coming. Please, pull some electrons. We always love to hear new poop on the boss.
Que. man fired from Zellers for taking chocolate out of garbage for his kids

ST-HYACINTHE, Que. (CP) - A single father of three fired for taking chocolate bars from a garbage bin at a Zellers store will get some Christmas cheer from a charitable organization.

Guy Masse, 47, had planned to give the discarded chocolate to his children, ages six, nine and 15, for Christmas.

Masse, who was on welfare and had been working at the store only for a couple of months, was first suspended and then fired.

"I think it's inhuman," Masse told CJAD radio station in Montreal of his dismissal.

Zellers has said Masse should have notified his superviser that he was taking the chocolate out of the garbage at the St-Hyacinthe store, about 50 kilometres east of Montreal.

Montreal's Sun Youth Organization said Tuesday that Masse's family will be provided for this Christmas.

"It's important to Sun Youth now that this family will have a Christmas that they deserve, food on the table and gifts for the kids," Sun Youth's Tommy Kulcyzk told CJAD.


And that ends that conversation.