
I second everything chcr said, 'cept for the Robin Hobb which never engaged me and the niven which I've yet to read (it's on my to-read list). The only Bear I've read is a foundation novel, but that was pretty engaging.
Well, re Robin Hobb, if we all liked the same stuff it'd be a boring world, wouldn't it?

"Darwin's Radio" is one of my favorite Bear novels. The Niven novels cowritten with Jerry Pournelle are more engaging ("The Mote in God's Eye," "Oath of Fealty," "Ludifer's Hammer"...) but the science (believable or not it's always well thought out) of his solo stuff fascinates me.

Re-read The Dark Tower....all 7 of 'em.

would be the 5th time, along with every single book that overlaps (yes I am a geek)

Ended up with Conqerer's Pride, pretty good, another of the Robert Asprin Myth book, Robots of Dawn, asimov, and one other, I can't recal right now, read 2 of them already.
Oh, and for something different, I really enjoyed The book thief by Markus Zusak:

And here's a book search database 'if you like... try ... ' :

I so want to read that. It's on my wishlist at the swap site I frequent. Was it terribly depressing?

I just finished a book club book and have a couple of weeks before I need to worry about my other book club book. I am trying to decide what to read but I want something upbeat.

I have a huge pile of books yet to read from the swap site so I decided to give the above database a try (sort of as a filter) but it keeps spitting out depressing books.

Read anything upbeat lately?
Nevermind...I started Intrepreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri...not quite lighthearted but oh well.
i've been trying to get through Good Omens by terry pratchett and neil gaiman for a while, but i find i need to be in a particular mood to read it, because it is so very british! and they dont talk none like us 'murricans.
Pratehett has a hellova run of books.

I recommend reading some Edgar Rice Burroughs books. Pulpish books, but small. Creator of Tarzan and Carson of Mars series... everything from Sci-Fi to fantasy and back.
I have not been into fantasy/sci-fi in a long while. Fizzled out. The Outlander series is the closest I come now. This may change again in the future, I imagine.
Pratehett has a hellova run of books.

I recommend reading some Edgar Rice Burroughs books. Pulpish books, but small. Creator of Tarzan and Carson of Mars series... everything from Sci-Fi to fantasy and back.

"Carson" of Mars?

I'm currently reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. After nearly forty years of atheism, I thought maybe I'd read a book about atheism written by an atheist. Interesting. It's amazing to me how many people think that we all think the same things.
"Carson" of Mars?
Brain fart - Carter of Mars...or the 'Barsoom series' if you will.

Brain fart - Carter of Mars...or the 'Barsoom series' if you will.

Oh, I knew what you meant. Read them all.