Bitch about work thread.

I'll just be like "some night this week" or something like that.

No, it may ACTUALLY be a busy week and you won't know if she's making up excuses or really can't need to leave it way more open than a week to find out if she's interested.
How about if she's really interested she will say something along the lines of "I can't this week but let's go out the other week, on wednesday". If she isn't she won't set a date ever.
Ok, how about "sometime soon"?

sounds a bit vague still :)

Uncle Luis is on the right lines - ask a direct but open question - one that illicits some sorta feedback - this week week whenever - but you need the feedback -

me ... if she says can't do next week - busy - then ok as Auntie Nixy says, be cool - but just plain ask her if she's up to it when she can ...and if she is ..pounce!! and try and firm up a date ... eagerness is not a bad thing at all, if it does done the right way!

also be wary of being too open on the ground with yer co-workers - they seem to know a lot - and you seem an open and talkative kinda guy ... :) - that just possibly be a concern in an office enviroment for this girl ...

tell us lot EVERYTHING tho'! ;)

best, BB
You mean like the time you didn't tell me Chris was a crazy no good for anything loser?...Yeah, that woulda been good advice :p

Hey, you asked me directly to let him return to TO with both legs unbroken. I did exactly what you asked....
Well, I've only told one other dude there that I like her, and I don't think he would go running around telling everyone.

It was cool, today, for my lunch break, I went out with her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. They're pretty cool too.

My buddy also saw "The Departed" and said that it was completely awesome, so I'm going to see if she wants to check it out with me.

Everyone thinks that I have a crush on the new girl, which kinda sucks.

So, I'm going to ask her [the girl I like] out. The people who constantly harrass me about having a crush on the new girl are assholes. I don't care what they think. Neither does she [the girl I like].
I ran into some complete fucking neanderthals at work today.

Some toolbag bitch comes up to me with them little ipod buds. She's all like "I want to get replacements for these, which ones will fit?" so I'm like "Well, these ones here, with the 3.5mm minijack will." and she's like "No, they won't. I already tried. Tell me what ones will." and I'm like "Well, what MP3 player do you have?" and she's like
"Ipod Nano"
and I'm like "Well, these will definetly fit the ipod nano, because it has a standard 3.5mm minijack. Just about every MP3 player does."
And she's like "No, they definetly won't."
Fine, bitch. If you know so fucking much about the fucking headphones, why the fuck are you asking me? If you're ignoring the fucking information i'm giving you, then why the fuck are you asking for it in the first place, you ass backwards cocksucking heathen?
Then she gets all bitchy and she's like "If I buy these, and they don't work, I'm going to report you."
At which point, I was about to smack her across the face and be like "Shut up bitch."
You're going to fucking threaten me when I'm trying to fucking help you? Why don't you do me a fucking favor and jump off a fucking bridge, you worthless piece of shit?
So, I ask to see the MP3 player.
She pulls out this completely ass-backwards fake ass ipod. I'm like "That's not an ipod nano."
She's like "Yes it is, it's just made by samsung. It's a prototype."
And she's like "See, the headphone jack is smaller, normal headphones won't fit."
So, I'm like "Well, we don't have anything that will fit a smaller jack. They don't make headphones for it."
As anyone versed in it can tell you, the 2.5mm sub-mini is strictly aimed phone headsets. Headphones are not available with that plug.
So she gets all bitchy and wants to talk to the goddamn manager. What the fuck is wrong with people? YOU'RE IN FUCKING DENIAL. ACCEPT THE TRUTH. BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT, YOU FUCKING TOOLBAG.
So I'm like "I'll get him" because another 30 seconds of dealing with this bitch would be enough to start a fight. It wouldn't be pretty. I was at least 20 years younger, 100 lbs heavier, and 8 inches taller.
So, I grab one of our managers in training, and let him deal with her.

10 minutes later, she leaves the store, without purchasing new headphones. Congrats, bitch, you were wrong.
I just wanted to say "If you're not going to listen to my answers, why are you asking questions?" but that's apt to get me in trouble.
The girl I like's best friend had to put up with some heavy shit up at the front counter, tho. Had to deal with some cretins that made my bitch look like a sweet old grandmother.

We have some real fucktards here. All the managers say that our customers are worse than the ones at their previous stories. Our store is located near some very rich towns, and we get a lot of rich snobs who think they're better than we are because they make $80,000 a year, drive a BMW, and have a trophy wife and a cute house in the 'burbs.

THAT'S what I can't stand. People who think they're better than my friends and me, just because of a few pointless and transient possessions. Friendship and happiness mean more than money and cars ever will.

I guess I've got a new perspective on it, now that I have disposable income. I used to have gobs of free time, and would meticulously plan each and every technology purchase for months, and spend hours jury-rigging electronics to prevent having to buy something. It always seemed like if I got a new thing for my birthday, it would make life better.
Now, I have spending cash. A lot of it. I could go out and buy all sorts of fancy new TVs and computers and the stuff that had me salviating two years ago.
And it's like, why? It won't make me any happier. Spending time with people that I care about, however, does. I would rather spend a day with my girl than own a ridiculously large television.

I may make $7,000 a year, but when it comes to having a meaningful and happy life, I'm light years ahead of those fuckers who make ten times as much as I do.

That, my friends, is why a customer has yet to make me sad. I know that I'm better than they are. They're the ones with shallow and miserable lives. They're the selfish pigs with nobody to care about, and nobody to care about them. They're the ones with a few divorces, estranged children, and a medicine cabinet full of antidepressants. They're the ones who get off on treating people like shit.

Seriously, these fuckers treat us like subhuman. We're retail workers. We don't have feelings.

It's disgusting to see that a few dollars can get people that fucking angry. Is that 15% restocking fee gonna be the end of the fucking world? Why the fuck spend an hour chewing out somebody over it?

I told that cocksucking son of a bitch that he's never going to get a ride home from me again.
He tried alternating between yelling at me and being really friendly to me, but I told him to fuck off. He bitched and whined, and it turned into a big scene.

But, whatever. I stood up for myself. He's not going to push me around anymore.

Everyone is like "you guys used to be buddies, why do you hate each other?" but it's like, no, I was being the nice guy that I am, and he was playing along with me so that I could lend him money and help him out and give him rides.

I don't have to let everyone walk over me. I don't have to go out of my way to be everyones' friend. If people don't like me, then they're not worth having as a friend.

And, I'm going to ask her out tomarrow. Whether or not I get the perfect oppurtunity to. Whether or not I'm nervous. I've been putting it off way too long.

And I'm going to stop taking shit from that fucktard.
He constantly harrasses me for not working, but doesn't do anything himself.

Like, today, my girl was doing a little online training, and we had four people on the clock, so I went back there and did some too, since it's required. I was gonna ask her out then, but then some other dude came in and sat down next to us.

So, then, my girl leaves, and one of my coworkers was feeling sick or something and wanted to go home early.
So, then, that assfuck gets all bitchy about how he wants to do e-learning (getting paid to SIT DOWN and idly watch a computer video for hours) and I'm like "You can't do e-learning, it's only you and me to cover the floor" and the fucker does it anyway. He gets some manager in it, who is like "Well, you got to do elearning, so he can too." and it's like - When I did it, the store was fucking dead, and we had two people on the floor. When he did it, the store was busy, and I was solo on the floor.

Then he takes a fucking hour and a half lunch break, so I didn't get a break until eight hours into my shift, which is total BS, not to mention completely illegal.

Then, I get pulled onto register, and he refuses to stop e-learning to cover the floor, so for a good half hour, on a SUNDAY AFTERNOON, the busiest time of the week, we didn't have anyone on the floor. I called him and he refused to cover. I called a different manager and he told him that he had better get his ass out on the floor if he wants to keep his job.

I can't fucking stand him.

I talked to another manager, because of what happened last Saturday (I requested off for the night, and my girl doesn't work weekends, and they had her all day and me at night, and gave the little fucker the weekend off, even though he didn't ask for it.)

I have to fight tooth and nail to get a single weekend off, and even then, I only ask for one every six weeks or so. This fucker gets them off without even asking. Two fridays and saturdays in a row, off. Next weekend, he has friday and sunday off.

I bring it up to management, and they tell me that they can't schedule him for those days because they know that he'll call out, and even if he does come in, he'll do a really shitty job and just whine and complain. They told me that they know I'll come in and put out a lot of effort. We have the most sales volume on the weekends, so they want ME there, because I'll sell a lot more and make customers a lot happier.

He is such a fucking hypocrite. If he's on the floor, and I'm chatting with the customer service people for a minute, he'll bitch at me to cover the floor. If he's solo on the floor, and I'm on register or on break or somewhere where I can't possibly cover the floor, he takes a five minute cigarette break.

And, people there are assholes. I try to be nice to everyone, and help everyone out. They talk about everyone behind their backs, and there's no reason to think I'm an exception.

I saw my girl chat with one of the CSA girls for awhile, and they were getting along decently, and then the CSA jirl tells me "She don't have to come in and do e-learning. She just wants more hours." and I'm like - wtf? She works by herself. Assfuck management REQUIRES this e-learning. She can't do it if she's the only person there. Might as well do it after the meeting.
Oh, and she was talking about the girl I like one time, and I said something to defend her, about how there's nobody else to help her out during the day, and the CSA girl looks a little mad, asks me to cover the register for a minute so she can go to the bathroom, and went to watch football for an hour and a half at the front counter.
Dude, you gotta stop calling the manager. It works the other way actually, when he requires that you "cover him" just say no and don't do it. Then make him call the manager and then you tell the manager that you won't do HIS job so he can take an hour break.
There are certain managers that I like to get involved. The TV manager and the store manager both like my girl and I. They know that she works really hard, and they know that I work hard when neccessary, and that we're both very reliable.

She has called out twice in the past year. Once, she was really sick and throwing up. The other time, she just didn't feel like working, but that was when we had a ton of staffing, and could run shorthanded no probs.

I've called out once in the past year. I had requested the day off well in advanced, and made unalterable plans, and they had scheduled the aforementioned jerk that day. Then, three days prior, they gave him the day off, and scheduled me, without telling me. I didn't even find out I was supposed to work until 20 minutes before I was supposed to show up.

As a result, management likes both of us. We can talk to them, and they take our side.

It's what happened thursday. That son of a bitch asked me if I was working. I told him no, and I told my girl that he might call out, and that she shouldn't cover for him. She agreed and told the manager. The manager in question likes her a lot. Treats her like a daughter. The jerk tried to call out. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I believe the son of a bitch was informed that if he called out, he would be fired on the spot.
Fuck, what happened to being tired?

I went to work around 1:30 yesterday afternoon. I clocked out at 11:30, went home, posted here a bit. Bedtime at 2:00 AM, wake up at 6:00 AM, clocked in at 6:45 or so. Worked from 6:45 AM to 8:15 PM.

At 4 PM, I could barely lift my legs. I nearly fell asleep in the break room. This guy spilled water on my leg, I started laughing, fell off the couch, and couldn't do anything except lay on the floor, cracking up, for like 5 minutes. I start to feel funny while tired. Usually, I'm really happy, i think everything is hilarious, and I curse like a sailor when I get tired.

Woohoo, now i fell tired and shit. i think ima go to bed. i wasnt tired when i started this post, but my eyelids feel kinda heavy. ive been awake for 16 huors. i was on the clock for 13 of them. i got school tomarrow, and for four days after that. i got work tomarrow too. im gonna wake up at 7, leave at 730, and get home at 11 pm, on monday and tuesday.

i do seven hours a day, five days a week at school. and like 35 hours a week at work. it's a fucking lot of work. im really pretty hardcore, when you think about it. it takes balls to handle 70 hours a week for months at a time. i cant wait until its summer, and i can work like 30-40 hours a week, and not go to school. im gonna have a three month long party. work all day, party all night. my girl can buy alcohol.
I told that cocksucking son of a bitch that he's never going to get a ride home from me again.
He tried alternating between yelling at me and being really friendly to me, but I told him to fuck off. He bitched and whined, and it turned into a big scene.

But, whatever. I stood up for myself. He's not going to push me around anymore.

Everyone is like "you guys used to be buddies, why do you hate each other?" but it's like, no, I was being the nice guy that I am, and he was playing along with me so that I could lend him money and help him out and give him rides.

I don't have to let everyone walk over me. I don't have to go out of my way to be everyones' friend. If people don't like me, then they're not worth having as a friend.

Congrats on finding your testicles. Dangle them with pride

And, I'm going to ask her out tomarrow. Whether or not I get the perfect oppurtunity to. Whether or not I'm nervous. I've been putting it off way too long.

I think someone might have already mentionned that once or twice...

And I'm going to stop taking shit from that fucktard.
He constantly harrasses me for not working, but doesn't do anything himself.

Like, today, my girl was doing a little online training, and we had four people on the clock, so I went back there and did some too, since it's required. I was gonna ask her out then, but then some other dude came in and sat down next to us.

So, then, my girl leaves, and one of my coworkers was feeling sick or something and wanted to go home early.
So, then, that assfuck gets all bitchy about how he wants to do e-learning (getting paid to SIT DOWN and idly watch a computer video for hours) and I'm like "You can't do e-learning, it's only you and me to cover the floor" and the fucker does it anyway. He gets some manager in it, who is like "Well, you got to do elearning, so he can too." and it's like - When I did it, the store was fucking dead, and we had two people on the floor. When he did it, the store was busy, and I was solo on the floor.

I had people busting on me for that all the time. I told them very simply "Go do your A+ like you were told to do last year and you'll be eligible too". They're all fired, and I'm still here.

Then he takes a fucking hour and a half lunch break, so I didn't get a break until eight hours into my shift, which is total BS, not to mention completely illegal.

Then, I get pulled onto register, and he refuses to stop e-learning to cover the floor, so for a good half hour, on a SUNDAY AFTERNOON, the busiest time of the week, we didn't have anyone on the floor. I called him and he refused to cover. I called a different manager and he told him that he had better get his ass out on the floor if he wants to keep his job.

I can't fucking stand him.

Now there's someone to make a friend with.

I talked to another manager, because of what happened last Saturday (I requested off for the night, and my girl doesn't work weekends, and they had her all day and me at night, and gave the little fucker the weekend off, even though he didn't ask for it.)

I have to fight tooth and nail to get a single weekend off, and even then, I only ask for one every six weeks or so. This fucker gets them off without even asking. Two fridays and saturdays in a row, off. Next weekend, he has friday and sunday off.

I bring it up to management, and they tell me that they can't schedule him for those days because they know that he'll call out, and even if he does come in, he'll do a really shitty job and just whine and complain. They told me that they know I'll come in and put out a lot of effort. We have the most sales volume on the weekends, so they want ME there, because I'll sell a lot more and make customers a lot happier.

Right there, demand a raise or quit on the spot. If you're so much better than him, they'd damn well better put it in writing ... on your pay stub.
When I started, MP3 players was a separate department. Around Febuary, it was consolidated with computers. In July, it was transferred over to merch, my department.

Now, we don't know if it's gonna split off for xmas again. The guy who was in charge of it last year still works here, but he might leave to join the army.

I'm probably just as qualified as he was to head up the department.

I'm going to mention to the store director next time I see him that if the department is going its own way from merch, I think that I'd do a good job being in charge of it.

If that doesn't work, I'm going to mention that I might like to be a Senior Product Specialist, which would be nice. I've been training all of the new people for the department, and I'd like a little kick back.

i do seven hours a day, five days a week at school. ...

What the hell kind of slave driving schools do they have in Jersey? My brother is only doing 3/4 a full course load in highschool right now but he's only doing 19 hours...full load would be like 26hours...not 35 like you say you have...I'm too lazy to figure out how many extra hours that is in a year but that's INSANE.
Typically arrive at 7:45 AM, classes begin at 8:00 AM and run until 2:30, traffic at the parking lot, usually out at 2:45, about seven hours all in all, monday through friday.