Automotive Engineering International voted...


...for the best engineered car of the past century. Keep in mind this does not include performance, price, and all that extra stuff, but purely from an engineering standpoint.

Two cars tied for first place. The Mercedes-Benz S500 and the Chevrolet Corvette 1999 Convertable.

/cheer to both cars, and especially Corvette, because its a car close to my heart. :)
Having taken a peek at the innards of an S500 myself, I can say that I was completely blown away. Every little part... whether it is magnesium or plastic, has so much thought put into it that it truly is mind boggling.

But... that is true of many cars. What sets the S500 apart is that all of those parts work very well together, whereas in most other cars it's like a huge collection of very complex parts that more resembles a mess than a work of art. That all of the gibblets of the MB look like they were designed by one very brilliant person (but they weren't of course) is simply unreal.

The Vette is cool too... basla and aluminum sandwich floors, pretty nice.