
New Member
I have finally read the AUP (yip, it's only taken me like 3 years :rolleyes: ). Anyway, I take exception to this:

AUP Miscellaneous Point 6 said:
Any joke must at all times be followed by j/k. Anything not followed immediately by j/k can and will be jumped on and taken out of context by any and all members with:

a) pissed on cornflakes
b) PMS or their tampon in too tight
c) a bug up their ass
d) no sense of humour.

The 'reason' listed under b is offensive and degrading. Especially if you consider that the ones most often having sense of humour failure and meltdowns are in fact men and not women. So unless the blokes are wearing tampons or suffer from PMS that statement has very little or no relevance.

I am deeply affronted by that and want to request it be removed ASAP.

BTW - see Gonz, it is spelled says so in the AUP. So if you misspell it again I shall have to report you :p

Now that we have the formalities out of the way, I hereby nominate Alex to be the class goober. Because he is the gooberiest person I know.

Now all take a deep sigh, boys release 'em tampons and fart :D


Well-Known Member

Now, would you happen to be reffering to my little rant on prof about the trailer? I hope everyone knows I was just pickin' on him. Hey, it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta sling the mud back at him :grinyes:

Come on prof, don't be shy, give me a big ol' hairy redneck hug :hug: *farts


Well-Known Member
alex said:

Now, would you happen to be reffering to my little rant on prof about the trailer? I hope everyone knows I was just pickin' on him. Hey, it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta sling the mud back at him :grinyes:

Come on prof, don't be shy, give me a big ol' hairy redneck hug :hug: *farts
That was a rant? Sorry, didn't notice. Try harder next time.

The AUP was written and phrased like that for a very specific reason. Read every post on this site cronologically starting in 2002 and you'll understand why. And you've no call to complain about it. You agreed to it, and you're stuck and bound to it. That you didn't read it in the first place matters about as much as the fact that you didn't read in your Microsoft license agreement that clearly states that you voluntarily place yourself on the organ donor's list in case Bill Gates needs a transplant.


New Member
AlphaTroll said:
BTW - see Gonz, it is spelled says so in the AUP. So if you misspell it again I shall have to report you :p

That's because there was a serious lapse in judgement and a canuck was allowed to write that clause. There have been negotiations to have it CORRECTED, but so far to no avail.


molṑn labé
Staff member
What's an AUP?

HEY GODDAMNIT!!!!! WHat happened to the Because Gonz said so clause that everyone complains about?


Too cute for words
Gonz said:
What's an AUP?

HEY GODDAMNIT!!!!! WHat happened to the Because Gonz said so clause that everyone complains about?
Oh come on... Nobody takes that one seriously, do they?


molṑn labé
Staff member
I never read that clause (I don't follow instructions well) but damn near eberybody on the board, at one time or another, has mentioned it :shrug:


Staff member
Gonz said:
What's an AUP?

HEY GODDAMNIT!!!!! WHat happened to the Because Gonz said so clause that everyone complains about?
*didn't delete it*

that's my story and I'm sticking to it


Well-Known Member
I always attributed the Korn-holio flakes
to the canuck with the werld famous Tush

Learnt sumthin' knew everyday!


Staff member
I do believe thinking back that I was there when he wrote it, but he definitely wrote it. I just LOL'd as he was doin' it.


New Member
Professur said:
That was a rant? Sorry, didn't notice. Try harder next time.

The AUP was written and phrased like that for a very specific reason. Read every post on this site cronologically starting in 2002 and you'll understand why. And you've no call to complain about it. You agreed to it, and you're stuck and bound to it. That you didn't read it in the first place matters about as much as the fact that you didn't read in your Microsoft license agreement that clearly states that you voluntarily place yourself on the organ donor's list in case Bill Gates needs a transplant.

If Bill Gates requires transplants I suggest we give him Leslie's arse, Winky's brain, my tits, Squiggy's dick, your temper, Gonz's point of view, BoP's penchant for pants, Tonksy's wit, Inky's pedanticism, Paul's feet, Nixy's perseverance, Luis's cheeks & Unc's way with words.

Hey, couldn't be worse than your basic MS Office pack :rolleyes:


New Member
I like my wit right where it is.......but heeeeey...if you take Unc way with words will that make him mute? Hmm...something to think about ;)


molṑn labé
Staff member
If he had my point of view, and his money, he'd be Emperor in no time.