another murdered christmas tree for my house

Basically I put the cards on the doors to get them out of the way. Katie likes the snow and lights(only my lounge) - I like the holly. :)
I dunno? :confuse3: Haven't got there yet. The big famdamily dinner with my family on Boxing Day, that's all we've pinned down as yet.

Paul just mumbled something about having Christmakah.

Avery mentioned to us the other day that we'd have to go and buy 8 candles and one of those "8 candle candle stick things." so I guess he's thinking we'll be doing something. I was kinda surprised he knew about that.
And as two of my kids are allergic to moulds now, I think I'm gonna have to be going with fake trees here on in. :(
In Merrie Olde England, it was the day that the lords and ladies deigned to give a Christmas Box to their servants (slaves). Consisted of mittens or a new uniform or somesuch. And sometimes they got a dinner and/or an extra tea serving or beer serving.

That was the basis of the holiday. Workers all got it off. Nowadays, here in Ontario anyway, it's our equivalent of your Thanksgiving Monday sales bonanza day.
That's the day all the wimmen who didn't get what they wanted for christmas go out and beat the living shit out of other wimmen who didn't get what they wanted for christmas, while the men who didn't get them what they wanted for christmas sit at home drinking beer, which is pretty much all they wanted for christmas.
prof has it right.

and if the husband was REALLY bad that year, he had to go with the wife on boxing day
Of course he knows what a minora is, i'm educating others as to the name. Not sure if Paul knew when Hanukkah started though. We used to always ask the family or check a calendar that has the jewish holidays listed.
I knew it was a Menorah too, to the surprise of Paul. It was the 8 year old Baptist bible thumper who didn't know the term.
Leslie said:
In Merrie Olde England, it was the day that the lords and ladies deigned to give a Christmas Box to their servants (slaves). Consisted of mittens or a new uniform or somesuch. And sometimes they got a dinner and/or an extra tea serving or beer serving.

That was the basis of the holiday. Workers all got it off. Nowadays, here in Ontario anyway, it's our equivalent of your Thanksgiving Monday sales bonanza day.
We always had a real Christmas tree when I was growing up. Since I moved to Toronto it's always a fake one :crying4: . I hate having fake ones.
Is that cause it's easier? or because the real ones cost 90 bajillion dollars there?

Where are you? Toronto or Ajax? I lived in Ajax in some older wartime era houses area when I was 2-4. I still remember some of it.
I've never had a real one. Never saw the sense in killing a 10 year old tree just to have a decoration (and fire hazard) for a couple of weeks. Besides, the artificials all look good, all season. None of this hunting for a good one, and finding out you got screwed and all the needles fall off it 3 days before christmas.
Leslie said:
Is that cause it's easier? or because the real ones cost 90 bajillion dollars there?

Where are you? Toronto or Ajax? I lived in Ajax in some older wartime era houses area when I was 2-4. I still remember some of it.

I guess it's cause it reminds me of all the great times I had with my grandparents. No they don't cost too much about $30 - $40 dollars.
I'm originally from Newfoundland ,I lived in Scarborough for awhile but now I live in Ajax.
I lived in Scarborough too. By choice! :eek:
Please don't tell anyone :(

I like real ones too. We couldn't have in the city cause of the no car thing and not wanting to try and take one on the subway :lloyd:

Now the mould allergy thing has done it forever I guess.