American Jihadi Blows Himself Up in O.K. (Today's Video: Norman PD address OU suicide bomber)

In a story that received virtually no media attention since the Saturday “lone suicide bombing" at the O.U. football stadium packed with 84,000 fans, details are emerging that a larger-scale Islamic terrorist operation was to revisit America's heartland for the second time in a decade.

2 October 2005; 11:50 p.m.: Law enforcement sources close to the Northeast Intelligence Network have confirmed that search and seizure warrants were served today upon the residence of the “suicide bomber, 21-year-old Joel Henry HINRICHS III of Colorado Springs, CO, who was a resident of the Park View Apartments on campus. Speaking strictly “off the record,” the officials stated that they recovered “a significant amount” of Islamic “Jihad” type literature, some possibly written in Arabic, along with the suspect’s computer. Some of the documentation included material on how to construct bomb-making vests.

Virtually estranged from his family, HINRICHS found companionship and direction by those who preyed upon him and used him as a Caucasian recruit for the Islamic terrorist cause. His case is a textbook example of the recruiting techniques that have been and continue to be used by Islamic terrorists operating in the U.S.....

Further reports by the same officials indicated that the bomb was detonated prematurely when the suspect was either arming a bomb vest or backpack, which contained TATP, a homemade explosive. TATP (triacetone triperoxide) is a very potent but relatively easily manufactured explosive compound that was used in the July London bombings. It is important to note that TATP has been cited in numerous Jihad bomb-making manuals.

From the lessons of “Investigations 101” to the experience of the most seasoned investigator, an important rule in performing thorough investigations that lead to those ultimately responsible for orchestrating a crime, or in this case, a terrorist attack, one must “follow the money “trail. It sounds much easier than what it actually is, but it can and must be done – especially in this case. Why? According to confidential sources close to this investigation, preliminary findings suggest that the money trail leads directly to a known and active Islamic terrorist cell that has been in operation in the Norman and Oklahoma City, OK area for at least the last 10-15 years, preceding and tangentially involved in the bombing of the Murrah Building on 19 April 1995.

Impossible. I thought the only terrorists shopping at feed stores were right-wingnuts, not peaceful Muslim-wannabes.

Islamic terrorist cell in Oklahoma? For 15 years? C'mon....
Virtually estranged from his family, HINRICHS found companionship and direction by those who preyed upon him and used him as a Caucasian recruit for the Islamic terrorist cause. His case is a textbook example of the recruiting techniques that have been and continue to be used by Islamic terrorists operating in the U.S.....

Once again, the destruction of the family unit has claimed another victim.
Professur said:
Once again, the destruction of the family unit has claimed another victim.
:alienhuh: You saying that this 21 year old should still have been living at home with his folx? How exactly does this touch upon the family unit thing?
He doesn't have to be living at home to be still part of the family. "Virtually estranged" doesn't mean that he just wasn't living at home, but that contact etc was broken for whatever reason.
Jihadi Joel wasn't just another Boomer Sooner. A smart but quirky loner with no friends.

He should've stayed in Colorado Springs and hung out with some homeboys dealing meth but noooooooo, Allah gave him the acceptance he needed.

In the style reminiscent of the blast at the Murrah building that killed 171 people on 19 April 1995, it was also confirmed that HINRICHS attempted to purchase a large quantity of the fertilizer ammonium nitrate, the very same compound that was used in the Ryder truck bomb just miles from where the Murrah building once stood, and a favorite bomb component used by Middle Eastern terrorists.

”It appears that HINRICHS was part of a larger plan that included members of an Islamic terrorist cell based in and around the Norman and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma area. As a Caucasian, it was much easier for him to obtain the materials needed to create a large bomb, act in concert with members of the local terrorist cell, and strike when relative calm was the word of the day,” stated this source, a law enforcement officer no longer on the case (as the case is now being handled by federal authorities).

The source added: “Federal authorities are investigating HINRICH’S roommates, friends and companions, some from Pakistan, who were on a watch list of potential terrorists in that area. Sources of funding and financing are also under investigation, and arrests are very possible. Thankfully, more than a few things went wrong, but the failed plan left HINRICHS holding the bag in the end – literally,” added this source. “Otherwise, we could have had a bombing on the scale of Oklahoma City in 1995.”

"At the end of the day, enough evidence will be collected to prove that this was a terrorist bombing that went wrong and Islamic men with terrorist beliefs were also involved. Whether that fact will ever come out, like ten years ago, [Murrah building blast on 19 April 1995 that killed 171 souls] remains to be seen." Obviously exasperated, the officer closed with the following statements:

"If you could have seen the people walking out of the stadium [Saturday night], you would have thought nothing happened at all. No one seems to believe that it will ever happen again, ever happen to them. It almost did. I feel like everyone is living in a fantasyland."

Nothing to see here people---move it along

It was lucky his premature detonation kept him from killing and maiming as many of the crowd at that game that he was set up to do.