Absolutely Shocking!!!


New Member
i can quite beleive it, the beeb often publish varied sides of arguments and interesting polemics.


<b>mod cow</b>
good to see you mitch :)

and i can believe it as well. bbc isn't that one sided as most people tend to believe


New Member
Britain will never get more gun's

Whilst president Blair :lfap: and any of the current flavour of governments that are more interested in political correctness and knee jerk political desissions are likley to be in power, supidity will win over common sence every time.

the recent shootings in Birmigham were done with a fully auto weapon that has been banned since th 1930's here, so what do the fools at the top do - tighten regulations on air-guns - what?

What the hell do air-guns have to do with the shooting in Birmigham - NOTHING, just so long as Blair :lfap: appear to be doing something for the people to see.

Sorry, cant go on typing - I am already seething about this issue; I would like to live in a place that I can defend my family without fear of being treated worse that the person that is attacking me - I wish that I could arm myself and my wife so that we can take care of ourselves. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Not really Banned
i especially liked the pictures of the cowboy and the gun shop owner, though i really don't understand their relevance to the story.


molṑn labé
Staff member
"If guns are outlawed," an American bumper sticker warns, "only outlaws will have guns." With gun crime in Britain soaring in the face of the strictest gun control laws of any democracy, the UK seems about to prove that warning prophetic.

*does a little jig*:headbang: