13 rules about beer drinking

MrBishop said:
If that's for american beer...you still have my pity ;)

We don't buy their beer :p

we make our own, I find Leon very very very good for regular intake and Casta for special ocassions.
tommyj27 said:
/me grumbles about stereotyping all american brew.

Commercial ones, not the custom made ones ;)

You can bitch about Corona too :D
I've had worse than corona.

Camo Ice
MrBishop said:
If that's for american beer...you still have my pity ;)

Yup, Near frozen nats piss the lot of it. I saw some non alcoholic bud the other day. What's the difference I thought?
Luis G said:
And how much do you pay for 24 of those?? :p
A 2fer of Molson is about $22CAN. RR doesn't sell in 2fers but either in singles, 4-somes or 6-packs.

Can't be more specific than that... I don't buy beer by the case. Frankly, I don't drink it enough. The very occasional 6-pack does it for me. (2-3 times per year)

**:p mind you...the main diffs between US beer and CAN beer is the alcohol/volume. You don't need to crack open 6-8 to get a buzz. ;) The taste is important too :D
Rickards red is availible in 12s. And Molson and 50 are preservative-laden moose piss. And I'll go on record as having found some damn good beer south of the border. As good as I've found since Maritime brewries was shut down.
MrBishop said:
A 2fer of Molson is about $22CAN. RR doesn't sell in 2fers but either in singles, 4-somes or 6-packs.

Can't be more specific than that... I don't buy beer by the case. Frankly, I don't drink it enough. The very occasional 6-pack does it for me. (2-3 times per year)

**:p mind you...the main diffs between US beer and CAN beer is the alcohol/volume. You don't need to crack open 6-8 to get a buzz. ;) The taste is important too :D

:eek2: CAN$22 for 2 damn beers? :eek2:

you have my pity :p

Luis G said:
:eek2: CAN$22 for 2 damn beers? :eek2:

you have my pity :p

a "2fer" or a 2,4 a case of 24....for $22

The only place you're likely to pay $22 for two beers is in a club...especially a trendy one :p
Spot said:
i never understood the point of non-alcoholic beer.
same goes with fat free donuts and decaf coffee.

A comedian (don't recall who) once said:

"Drinking non-alcoholic beer is like kissing your sister: it's still a kiss, but it doesn't do a damn thing for you."