0bama to Destroy U.S. Auto Fleet


Well-Known Member

The higher mileage and emissions standards set by the Obama administration on Tuesday, which begin to take effect in 2012 and are to be achieved by 2016, will transform the American car and truck fleet.

Social justice on the road. Everyone will equally be exposed to injury and death by driving smaller lighter overloaded vehicles.

Coming next: The One and his pack of Flying Monkeys will tighten emission controls and enforce standards via inspections to force the older vehicles people will hang on to off the road.

And the good news is:
On the other hand, if EVERYONE is driving the tiny cars, they're not as exposed to injury and death because then you won't have Geo Metro vs. Chevy Suburban crashes.

Also, it's worth noting that here in California, cars built before the mid-1970s (I think 1974 specifically) are smog-exempt, allowing people to drive 1960s muscle cars without them having to be checked.
thanks once again for the alarmist horseshit cerise.

strange that the automakers have endorsed the obama plan, but hey, i'm sure you know more about this shit than they do.
thanks once again for the alarmist horseshit cerise.

strange that the automakers have endorsed the obama plan, but hey, i'm sure you know more about this shit than they do.

of coarse they endose him.
Ford's in bed with him, and 'he' owns the others now.
strange that the automakers have endorsed the obama plan, but hey, i'm sure you know more about this shit than they do.

What choice do they have?

Wanna bet that if the government hadn't started this shit in the first place, we'd not be watching 2/3 of the Big 3 go down the tubes.

Americans don't want Metros, they want Expeditions. Good for them.

Rememebr when we were free?

Fuck people who drive land yachts just because they can. This is wonderful news!

Hail Komrade.
started what shit? bailing their sorry asses out???

well, maybe they never shoulda been bailed out in the first place...?

they got their own sorry asses into the position they are in. they've been digging their own hole of pathetic complacency since the 50s.
On the other hand, if EVERYONE is driving the tiny cars, they're not as exposed to injury and death because then you won't have Geo Metro vs. Chevy Suburban crashes.

Shirley there will be some semis to transport our necessities, komrade.....

Also, it's worth noting that here in California, cars built before the mid-1970s (I think 1974 specifically) are smog-exempt, allowing people to drive 1960s muscle cars without them having to be checked.

Here lap belts only are OK pre '73. Yee haw! :brow:

But with the "cash for clunker" programs, imagine all the rusting old '64 Chevelle beaters with saggging headliners that make a home for critters behind the barn at an estate sale which will be crushed beyond recognition.

“Such fleet modernization programs, which provide a generous credit to consumers who turn in old, less fuel-efficient cars and purchase cleaner cars, have been successful in boosting auto sales in a number of European countries.”
You DO realize that people who own well-cared-for classic cars like the Chevelle you posted aren't likely to trade those in in a "cash for clunkers" program, right? The kind of people likely to trade in cars under that program are likely to be driving the rusty straight-six versions that need a ring job and have at least one dent per body panel and pitted chrome trim.
You know how I feel (felt) about the bailouts.

Started the CAFE shit.

well i can't really argue about CAFE. it's bullshit, and everyone regardless of political stripe in automotive understands that it's super dick cock and ball suck.

my old boss, one of the original guys behind the fabulous k-car concept, used to get really pissed off when i grumbled about chrysler having no reason to exist. bailout, schmailout. well, at least he thought iacocca was a dick.
You DO realize that people who own well-cared-for classic cars like the Chevelle you posted aren't likely to trade those in in a "cash for clunkers" program, right? The kind of people likely to trade in cars under that program are likely to be driving the rusty straight-six versions that need a ring job and have at least one dent per body panel and pitted chrome trim.

I know, but there may come a time when there's nothing left to rebuild because they've all been crunched.
Fuck people who drive land yachts just because they can. This is wonderful news!

I drive an F-350, one ton, crew cab dually which weighs 6,300# unladen. It has a 460 cid (7.5 L) engine that gets 9 mpg. It is not unstable so it won't flip over. It will take out any "green" car made with hardly a dent.

So fuck me? No, you will be the one who is fucked if you pull some POS "green" car into my path.

You need to stop dictating to others how to live their lives according to your standards and start living your own.

I have found that the best way to lose my own rights and freedoms is to gleefully celebrate the abrogation of the rights and freedoms of others. You may think you are King Shit now; but they will eventually come for you, too. Your problem is that they haven't yet stepped on any of your favorite things; or are you such a follower that you will gladly turn over all you have, including your life, for the "greater good".